Free Virtual Event:
March 10th-14th

Make Marketing Suck Less

10+ Experts Reveal Their #1 Marketing Method to Book More Business This Year Beyond Likes & Shares

hosted by dr. michelle mazur

Free Virtual Event Free Virtual Event:
March 10th-14th

Make Marketing Suck Less

10+ Experts Reveal Their #1 Marketing Method to Book More Business This Year Beyond Likes & Shares

Dr. Michelle Mazur

hosted by dr. michelle mazur

YouTube video

Grab your spot to join

Make Marketing Suck Less

March 10th -14th

    You Know You Need to Market Your Business

    But let's be real — you're OVER social media.

    You're tired of dancing for the algorithm only to hear crickets.

    You're exhausted from trying to post consistently but never seeing any payoff from all your hard work.

    And frankly, you're questioning if all this "content creation" is worth it.

    Here's the good news: You DO NOT need social media to build a thriving business.

    You need to know what to REPLACE social media with so your business is getting seen and hired by the right people.

    Lean in close, and let me tell you a little not-so-secret-secret:

    Marketing that works—for you, your business and
    your sanity…

    …It’s as unique as your thumbprint.
    (No Social Media Required)

    Making Marketing Suck Less Shows You the Alternative to Social Media

    Ditch all the marketing "shoulds" that keep you hiding in plain sight from the clients who need to hire you

    Grow your email list without pressure to post on social media, run ads, or do Reels (ugh..Reels) 

    Spend less time marketing & go back to doing what you love (working with your clients or anything else)

    Discover the exact right words that make your clients excited to say yes to working with you
    (without feeling like Scammy McScammerson)

    Guess What? It is Possible to Stop Doing Marketing You Hate!

    this virtual event brings together

    10+ Expert Established Business Owners

    Each interview will take you behind the scenes of their business where they’ll reveal what’s working

    light bulb with checkmark

    To grow their

    light bulb with checkmark

    More Business

    light bulb with checkmark

    Nurture potential clients into paying customers

    The best part is in every interview, you'll know how to discern for YOURSELF if a strategy could work for you.

    By the end of this event, you’ll know what marketing strategies to try and which you can leave behind (like yesterday's sushi).

    These Marketing Mavericks will help you:

    Discover strategies that make social media optional for your business

    Invite your audience into your sales process without feeling salesy or spammy.

    Discover strategies to grow your email list without relying on social media

    Align your marketing with your values & business model

    The Best Part? These Interviews are free!

    Meet the Experts

    Brenna McGowan Headshot

    Brenna McGowan


    Cher's headshot

    Cher Hale


    Christina Torres Headshot

    Christina Torres


    Felly Day head shot

    Felly Day


    Kim Kiel_Branding



    Linda Sidhu

    Linda Sidhu


    Dr. Michelle Mazur

    Michelle Mazur


    Michelle Ward headshot

    Michelle Ward


    Mike Ganino

    Mike Ganino


    headshot small

    Samar Owais


    Sonia Thompson headshot

    Sonia Thompson


    Stephanie Garcia headshot

    Stephanie Garcia


    During this Virtual Event,
    You’ll Receive...


    Exclusive access to 10 audio interview with The Leaders in Online Business


    Private Pop-Up Facebook Community to Continue the Conversation!


    Daily Live Q&A Sessions for ALL Your Marketing & Messaging Questions


    Win Prizes that
    Make Marketing Suck Less!

    discover things like...

    Beyond Self-Promotion: Reclaiming Your Right to Ask for Attention

    The Under-the-Radar Way to Book More Clients (Without Complex Marketing)

     How to Build Real Connection in the Age of AI Through Livestreaming

    How to Break the Emails Rules and Profit From Your Tiny Email List

    Build Anticipation and Boost Your Launch Results

    Magic Match Method: Building Business Collaborations (Without A HUGE Audience!)

    Integrity-Driven Persuasion: Marketing without the Manipulation

    Dr. Michelle Mazur

    Who is the Marketer Who Unabashedly Admits that Marketing Sucks?

    Hi! I’m Dr. Michelle Mazur (fan of Duran Duran, mother of three obsessive felines and connoisseur of prestige TV…Severance anyone?)

    Excuse me while I get all professional and switch to third person to establish my cred.

    Solo business owners call on Dr. Michelle when they can't figure out why their marketing doesn't work. As she knows the hidden reason why...

    Marketing that works to book more business and grow your audience takes persuasive messaging that compels people to ACT!

    How did she figure that out?

    A Ph.D. in communication, 12+ years in business, and seven years behind the scenes working on market research projects for Microsoft, Kraft, Burt's Bees & Kerrygold gave her the tools, experience, and expertise needed to craft one-of-a-kind messages.

    She is the host of the Make Marketing Suck Less podcast, co-host of Duped: The Dark Side of Online Business, author of the 3 Word Rebellion, and utterly obsessed with Buoy, the mascot for the Seattle Kraken.

    Here’s a Mic Drop
    Moment For Ya:

    3,000 - 10,000. The number of marketing messages you see in a DAY according to The Yanekelovich Research Group in 2007.

    Our brains can only process 100 of ‘em, according to The American Association of Advertisers.

    At least 2900 messages are ignored and forgotten every day.

    So how do you get to be one of the lucky 100?

    Marketing. It’s time that you do marketing on your own damn terms.

    That’s What Make Marketing Suck Less is all about.

    Our Experts pull back the curtain on booking more business & growing an audience (without having to rely on social media)

    Join us, won’t you?

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    Create your one-of-a-kind message that is the ultimate hook and the message you want to be known for!

    The 3 Word Rebellion is the key to go from business owner to thought leader.

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