Discover the Little Known Reason You’re Not Consistently Booking Paid Speaking Gigs

(Let’s fix that in just 5-days)

What’s your vision for your speaking business?

  • Standing in the center of that red dot on the TED stage?
  • Having your inbox overflow with speaking invites?
  • Speaking at the biggest and best conferences in your industry?
  • Making a living with speaking so you can quit your job, side-hustle or stop working 1:1 with clients?
  • Doubling your speaking fees?

Whatever your vision know that what got you to this point in your speaking won’t take you to the next level.

It’s Time for a New Approach to Speaking that Gets Gigs Flowing to you.

That new approach means treating your speaking like the business it is.

I’ll show the five steps you need to take to develop and pitch a signature talk that gets you booked, paid, and starts to the close the gap between where you are NOW and being a sought-after speaker.

  • Steal my proven pitch template (seriously, you’ll mad lib your way to a speaking gig).

  • Discover the #1 challenge your speech solves for the audience you most want to serve (hint: this is the KEY to successful pitching for gigs)

  • Uncover the QUICK WIN that you produce for your audience that gets you known and booked.

  • Figure out exactly how you’re going to get paid to speak. No more wondering how do I make money with speaking, you’ll have a plan for a speech that leads to cash.

You’re in. Head on over to your email to get the details of the challenge!


“Michelle increased my confidence and now I’m speaking across the United States with the speech we created.”


-Kellie Toliffson, VP of Operation T-Square

michelle-mazur-speaking-coach-seattle-washingtonDr. Michelle Mazur is the CEO of Communication Rebel and is a passionate advocate of your audience. She believes every presentation should be an experience that changes your audience. She lives in Seattle, WA with her loving husband, two obsessive felines, and huge collection of Duran Duran memorabilia.


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