Your Results Are In!
Follow the Roadmap of A…

Pioneering Multipassionate!

You and your business were born to crack open new perspectives and persuade people to take action on that vision.

You see the status quo in people’s lives and know that there’s so much more possible. 

You’re here to inspire and motivate people to change. 

You know a little somethin’-somethin’ about a wide variety of topics. 

You love publishing blog posts or podcast episodes on the latest, newest thing that you’ve learned that is going to serve your audience.  

You read books, take courses, and get certified in other people’s methodologies. 

What makes you truly remarkable is how you combine ALL the different tools, methodologies and frameworks to get your clients’ life-changing results. 

At times, you feel like “a jack of all trades but a master of none” since your business is based on other people’s ideas!

Not true, my rebellious friend. You know how these tools work together and that is what puts you on the cutting edge. 

You see possibilities where none existed before and you know how to lead people to those possibilities. 

It’s time for you to grow your audience, increase your influence, and powerfully lead people to the change!

“You can’t influence anyone by being like everyone else.”

-A Super Smart Person

You’re In Great Company! 

Other Pioneering Multipassionates Just Like You:

Mel Robbins – 5-Second Rule

Tim Ferris – Four Hour Work Week

Awesomely Luvvie – I’m Judging You: The Do Better Handbook

Do all the things!


How Big of an Audience Do You Need to Incite that Revolution?

The ultimate goal for you is to be well known in your niche not well known by the entire world.

(Was that a sigh of relief I just heard? It was, wasn’t it?)

How many people is that? Well, it depends on your business model. 

If you plan on mostly sticking to one-on-one services, you’ll need a relatively small audience depending on your price point and revenue goal. 

If you’ve got dreams of being a big-time speaker and a traditionally published author, well you’re going to need to gather tens of thousands of people to spread the word. 

How do you start growing this movement…pick one social media platform, one type of content you love to create (blog post, podcasts, and video…and keep reading…)

Your 3 Step Action Plan for Calling in the Right People to Maximize Your Pioneering Mutlipassionate Potential


Your biggest strength is your diversity of knowledge. 

It’s time you stop “yeah but-ing it.” You know…


  • “Yeah, but I’m not an expert.”
  • “Yeah, but I just know enough to be dangerous.”
  • “Yeah, but I just talking about the same thing as Simon Sinek.”


The rebel truth is that you know how to get people results. Full Stop!

Your people will follow you to the ends of the Earth because you are a truth-teller that cuts through the BS and shows us what possible (and what works).

Permission granted to be multipassionate and not pick a niche or stay in your lane. 

Blasphemy, right? Everyone says that you’ve got to have a niche otherwise you’re DOOMED!

It’s not right for you instead what you’re looking for is the golden thread that binds all your best customers and clients together. 

Perhaps it’s a common problem or a personality quirk or a need.

Whatever it is — find it and then let your mutlipassionate self solve that problem.

The world needs people who can cut through all the noise, all the different perspectives, and pull together something that works.

Bold Action: Think back on the five most incredible clients you’ve worked with.”

What was the one thing that they had in common? This is how you find the golden thread.


Mel Robbins rose to fame by teaching people to count backward from five and take an action (that was the message she used to be the most booked female speaker of 2018). 

Tim Ferris wrote a book on outsourcing pretty everyone. 

What do they have in common?

Neither invented either concept.

What they did do is come up with a compelling and curiosity provoking message that made people say… 

Holy crap! I need to know more!”  

The 5-Second Rule. The 4-Hour Work Week. That message is now synonymous with their name. 

The question for you is how do you uniquely package up your knowledge so that it makes people instantly curious?

Once you know that, how can you distill into three words? 

If that feels impossible to you know that it isn’t.

You too can have a one-of-a-kind message and it’s easier to find than you think (I call this your 3 Word Rebellion but more on that later).  

This message serves as the title of your book, the big idea of your TEDx Talk, the angle for your podcast pitch, and even the reason why people join your programs. 

Bold Action: To begin finding you’re one of a kind message, ask yourself this question: What pisses you off?

Even bolder action…share one thing that pisses you off on Instagram and tag me @drmichellemazur to let me know.


Consistency is more than publishing a blog post at the same time every week, sending out a newsletter every Wednesday, and sharing photos on the ‘Gram daily. 

Consistency that gets you recognized for your work, gets you invited on podcasts and to speak on stages, and has clients clamoring to work with you and only you is about…

…staying on message. 

Because you’re always adding new tools to your toolshed, learning more things, you’re more prone than most to veering off message and that’s what’s confusing people

One day you’re talking about mindset and the next you’re discussing human design.

Meanwhile, the people who love you — have no idea what you’re about.

Radical consistency means sharing your 3 Word Rebellion, taking your audience on the same journey, and crafting signature stories that your audience knows by heart. 

If you caught Brene Brown’s Netflix special, you’ll see that an example of radical consistency in action.

There was NOTHING her hardcore fans hadn’t already heard in that special. 

When you’re that consistent, your story becomes your audience’s story, your points are their points, and your message is their message. 

This means it is easier for the audience to become the messenger of your message. 

More importantly, no one gets confused about what you actually do! 

How do you get radically consistent? You need a strategic plan that maps your customers’ journey and develops those signature stories. 

When you do this, you stop creating “content” and you start creating assets that grow your audience, influence, and impact.

Bold action: Adopt this new mantra “Change more lives by staying on message.”

Then when you’re tempted to share the latest and greatest on Instagram. Say it and stick to your message.

Meet the Communication Rebel, Michelle Mazur, Ph.D.

Hi, I’m Michelle, the creator of the 3 Word Rebellion messaging framework, founder of The Expert Up Club and host of Make Marketing Suck Less podcast. I believe communication changes the world and the right message starts a revolution.

That’s what I help expert business owners do: create compelling messaging that gets them known and hired for their work.

The 3 Word Rebellion messaging framework has a 100% success rate in discovering that one-of-a-kind message that catapults your thought leadership.

Some of my clients go on to land book deals, TEDx talks and grow their audience so they can finally launch that group program.

ALL of my clients feel 10x more confident in the value they create for their clients and can easily land their next client.

Most importantly, they are changing their industries.

Ready to Take the First Step on Your Roadmap and Create that Edgy Hook?

Check out the 3 Word Rebellion Book!

If you’re ready to embrace your multipassionate self, craft your unique hook, and be radically consistent, the best place to start is the 3 Word Rebellion: Create a One-of-a-kind Message that Grows Your Business into a Movement. 

This book shows you exactly how to craft your 3 Word Rebellion using the same process I use with my 1:1 clients.

Filled with practical exercises, easy-to-implement promotional ideas, and real-life examples from both big brands and small businesses, the 3 Word Rebellion provides the precise framework you need to define and craft an empowering message that calls in the right people, helps grow your business, and spreads throughout the world.

Buy the Book!

It’s time for you to push the boundaries of what is possible and change people & businesses for the better!

I want you to know – I know it’s hard being a visionary on the leading edge who sees the world as it should be not as it is.

It’s difficult to tear down the status quo and blaze a new path. 

It’s frustrating to try to describe your magic in a way that other people really get.

You don’t have to water down your message for “the masses” or cram yourself into a one-size-fits-all blueprint. 

You can create a wildly successful, paradigm-shifting, mind-blowing business by embracing your mulitpassionate tendencies and taking on the world.

That’s why you found your way here so that you can surround yourself with other rebels on the rise who are on the same journey. 

And I am so glad you did! 

P.S. We’ve only just begun…

I’m not here give you this Rebel Roadmap, then wish you luck on storming the castle all by yourself. 


I’m here to help you launch that rebellion and make the change you want to create for your industry a freaking reality! 

Keep a lookout for me in your inbox because I’ll be giving you my best ideas for creating your own 3 Word Rebellion, how to launch it with an inciting incident that causes a stir, and how to get out of your own way so that your movement can spread.

We rebels can’t change the world on our own — we need each other to make change happen! 

See you soon!



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Create your one-of-a-kind message that is the ultimate hook and the message you want to be known for!

The 3 Word Rebellion is the key to go from business owner to thought leader.

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