Your Results Are In!
Follow the Roadmap Of A…

Rebel Leader!

You and your business were born to change the world by creating a movement

You are here to tear down the systems of oppression that hold people back and replace it with something better. 

It’s a fight, but you know that at the end of the day you will leave this world better than when you found. 

The business you’re creating is what supports you to build this movement. 

The more people who know about you, your work, and the change you want to create, the more you have resources you will have to change the world.

It’s time to grow your audience and create a place for other rebels who believe like you do to belong.

To recruit those people to your cause, you should be speaking on stage (or better yet rallies), writing books, and publishing articles with your vision for the world.

As much as you wish you could change the system all by yourself, you know it takes people who support your vision too.

It’s time for you to grow your audience, increase your influence, and powerfully lead people.

We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.”

-J.K. Rowling

You’re In Great Company! 

Other Rebel Leaders Just Like You:

Ijeoma Olua – So You Want to Talk About Race

Sonya Renee Taylor – The Body is Not an Apology

Ai-Jen Poo, Alicia Garza & Cecile Richards – We are the Supermajority



How Big of an Audience Do You Need
to Make a Massive Impact?

The ultimate goal for you is to be well known in the world – FAMOUS even.

This means you’ll need people to help you grow your audience so the first thing you want to do is recruit a team of earlier adopters to your movement. 

It’s going to take more than just you to make this change happen. You need others to be the messenger of your message as well.

At first, I would keep things simple. Start out on ONE social media platform that you love. Create ONE type of content that you love 

(Was that a sigh of relief I just heard? It was, wasn’t it?)

You don’t need to be everywhere at first. Everywhere comes later when you have a team to support. 

Keep it simple. Keep your energy focused. This is how exponential impact happens.

Your 3 Step Action Plan for Calling in the Right People to Maximize Your Influence & Potential as a Rebel Leader


It’s not enough to rebel against the status quo.

To make lasting change happen, you’ve got to lead people to a different vision of the future. 

You’re number one responsibility is to paint that picture of change for your people.

But there’s so much wrong in the world…

It’s too easy to point out the injustices and what’s wrong with the current system that you don’t take the time to talk about what is actually possible. 

While all of those conversations are 100% necessary, you want to make sure that you are talking about the new future in equal proportion. 

Because what happens to rebel leaders who are focused on what’s wrong all the time is that their movement can fizzle out.

Remember, Occupy Wall Street? They were against the 1% holding the vast majority of the wealth. 

While they knew what they were up against, they had no idea how they would replace the current system.

The movement died. 

Don’t let this happen to you and the work you want to do in the world. 

Stay future-focused and paint that picture of change.

Bold Action: To begin, grab your journal, set a timer for 10-minutes, and complete this prompt: “I want to live in a world…”

Be sure to journal about this prompt for both your business and your movement.

Even bolder action…share that vision of change on Instagram and tag me @drmichellemazur to let me know.


Movements (and especially businesses that grow to be a movement) have a one-of-a-kind message that serves as a battle cry for the people who join. 

Think about: 

  • Black Lives Matter
  • Times Up
  • Never Again

All of those movements have a message that showcases the mission of the movement. 

This battle cry or what I call a 3 Word Rebellion makes people curious about the change you want to create. 

If a person hears “Black Lives Matter” and they have no idea what it’s about or what it means, they will be curious to know more. 

In step one, you were challenged to create a vision of change.

Once you’ve got that vision, how can you distill it into three words? 

If that feels impossible to you know that it isn’t.

The purpose of having this message is that it’s sticky, easy for your audience to remember, and more importantly easy for other people to spread your message. 

Bold Action: Look at the battle cries of other movements. What do you like about those messages?

How can you incorporate that into your message?


Consistency is more than publishing a blog post at the same time every week, sending out a newsletter every Wednesday, and sharing photos on the ‘Gram daily. 

Consistency that gets you recognized for your work, gets you invited on podcasts, and to speak on stages, and has clients clamoring to work with you and only you is about…

…staying on message. 

Because you do see what is wrong with the world and have a huge desire to fix it (and maybe fix everything), you’re prone to veering off message and that’s confusing people!

One day you’re talking about the political system, the next day you’re ranting about sleazy bro marketing, and then you’re talking about sexism. 

Meanwhile, the people who dig how you’re showing up and want to support your business and movement — have no idea what you’re about and what you want to change

Radical consistency means sharing your 3 Word Rebellion, taking your audience on a journey, and crafting signature stories that your audience knows by heart. 

If you caught Brene Brown’s Netflix special, you’ll see that an example of radical consistency in action.

There was NOTHING her hardcore fans hadn’t already heard in that special.

When you’re that consistent, your story becomes your audience’s story, your points are their points, and your message is their message. 

This means it is easier for the audience to become the messenger of your message. 

More importantly, no one gets confused about what you actually do! 

How do you get radically consistent? You need a strategic plan that maps your customers’ journey and develops those signature stories. 

When you do this, you stop creating “content” and you start creating assets that grow your audience, influence, and impact.

Bold action: Adopt this new mantra “Change the world by staying on message.”

Then when you’re tempted to give a critique on Instagram. Say it and stick to your message.

Meet the Communication Rebel, Michelle Mazur, Ph.D.

Hi, I’m Michelle, the creator of the 3 Word Rebellion messaging framework, founder of The Expert Up Club and host of Make Marketing Suck Less podcast. I believe communication changes the world and the right message starts a revolution.

That’s what I help expert business owners do: create compelling messaging that gets them known and hired for their work.

The 3 Word Rebellion messaging framework has a 100% success rate in discovering that one-of-a-kind message that catapults your thought leadership.

Some of my clients go on to land book deals, TEDx talks and grow their audience so they can finally launch that group program.

ALL of my clients feel 10x more confident in the value they create for their clients and can easily land their next client.

Most importantly, they are changing their industries.

Ready to Take that First Step on Your  Road Map and Create that Battle Cry?

Check out the 3 Word Rebellion Book!

If you’re ready to embrace your paint the picture of change, craft your battle cry, and be radically consistent, the best place to start is the 3 Word Rebellion: Create a One-of-a-kind Message that Grows Your Business into a Movement. 

This book shows you exactly how to craft your 3 Word Rebellion using the same process I use with my 1:1 clients.

Filled with practical exercises, easy-to-implement promotional ideas, and real-life examples from both big brands and small businesses, the 3 Word Rebellion provides the precise framework you need to define and craft an empowering message that calls in the right people, helps grow your business, and spreads throughout the world.

Buy the Book!

It’s time for you to tear down the status quo and change the world for the better.

I want you to know – I know it’s hard to change the world. It requires leadership, resiliency, and tenacity.

It’s difficult to tear down the status quo and blaze a new path. 

It’s frustrating to try to describe your magic and the vision you have in a way that other people really get.

You don’t have to water down your message for “the masses” or cram yourself into a one-size-fits-all blueprint. 

You can create a wildly successful, paradigm-shifting, mind-blowing business & movement by embracing your rebel tendencies and taking on the world.

That’s why you found your way here so that you can surround yourself with other rebels on the rise who are on the same journey. 

And I am so glad you did! 

P.S. We’ve only just begun…

I’m not here to tell you what kind of rebel business owner you are, then wish you luck on storming the castle all by yourself. 


I’m here to help you launch that rebellion and make the change you want to create for your industry a freaking reality! 

Keep a lookout for me in your inbox because I’ll be giving you my best ideas for creating your own 3 Word Rebellion, how to launch it with an inciting incident that causes a stir, and how to get out of your own way so that your movement can spread.

We rebels can’t change the world on our own — we need each other to make change happen! 

See you soon!



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Create your one-of-a-kind message that is the ultimate hook and the message you want to be known for!

The 3 Word Rebellion is the key to go from business owner to thought leader.

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