The Expert Up Club logo and group photo


  • red checkmark

    How do we market less? By figuring out what works for you, your business and your sanity.

  • red checkmark

    How do we market better? By making your message compelling & persuasive to your right-fit client

  • red checkmark

    Why together? Because growing a business and an audience is easier with a community of co-conspirators.

Our January 2025 Cohort will open for new members in December. Get on the Waitlist, and Dr. Michelle will personally reach out to you when it does!

Wouldn't it be nice if people recognized your expertise & hired you on the spot?

(Totally, right? But you and I know it doesn't work that way.)

You didn't start your business because you LOVE marketing.

(You did it to help people you love working with & get paid to do it!)

Rebel Truth: People Can’t Hire You If They Don’t Know Your Business Exists

Ooof…that’s a tough one, right?

Because marketing kind of sucks.

There's so much conflicting **advice** out there. How do you figure out what you “should” do? 

Everyone has their quick-fix solution to make gazillions with their fool-proof marketing process. 

Except that shit never works for you. Wanna know why? (Come in close)


And that’s what you’ll find inside The Expert Up Club—your unique way to market your business that won’t make you want to walk into the sun.

It Starts By Leaning into Your Expertise

(Instead of Hiding It)

As an expert, you've probably been made to feel ashamed of your smarts.

You're told to downplay your experience and tell a vulnerable story (or else you'll end up "talking over their heads.")

It's better to be one step ahead of your clients than knowing your shit. After all, you don't want to intimidate people. (Right?)

Here's what the web celeb won't tell you because they haven't figured it out yet...

When it comes to marketing your business, your expertise isn't a liability.

It's your great asset!

Being an Expert Gives You Untapped Superpowers

The qualities that make you excellent at what you do are the same things that can make you GREAT at marketing.

Humility to know you don't have ALL the answers, but the determination to find them

Insatiable curiosity & a drive to learn more

Willingness to experiment & change course

What you need is a way to bridge the gap between what you KNOW and what your audience NEEDS TO KNOW to find you -- and hire you.

Inside The Expert Up Club, you'll harness what makes you brilliant to become kickass at marketing.

(Without doing things you hate or spending all day on Instagram)

You'll develop a killer, one-of-a-kind message that speaks to who you are —without dumbing you down.

You'll figure out how to FIND the clients with that message—and deliver it in a way that gives them that "where have you BEEN all my life" feeling.

And you'll turn this into a SYSTEM you can replicate, quarter after quarter, to keep your business full of the right clients—in minimal time, so you can focus on doing the work you love most.

You've run through the gauntlet to earn your expertise—now it's time to use it to your advantage

The Expert Up Club is the best place to harness your superpowers and market your business on your terms.

Ready to Market & Get Paid Like the Expert You Are?

Our January 2025 Cohort will open for new members in December. Get on the Waitlist, and Dr. Michelle will personally reach out to you when it does!

Who is The CLub for?

light bulb with checkmark

1:1 Service Providers & Coaches

Who want to book more business & fill their pipeline with right-fit clients.

light bulb with checkmark


Ready to get their expertise in front of decision-makers to secure more contracts

light bulb with checkmark


Who want to grow their audience so they can reliably fill their programs.

How the Club Helps You Go from Invisible to In-Demand:

The Club is founded on three core pillars that are essential in you getting known for your work. These pillars are what make The Expert Up Club unique.


Craft Your Persuasive Expert Message

Ever feel like your brilliant expertise is getting lost in translation?

You're not alone. Without a message that truly resonates, marketing your business is like trying to navigate without a map.

Enter the Minimal Viable Marketing Message (MVMM) - Your new north star.

We'll work together to distill your expertise into a set of key messages that:

  • Grow an audience of future buyers
  • Nurture those people until they're ready and eager to work with you
  • Make offers that speak directly to your ideal clients' needs

The Result? Your MVMM Guide becomes the beating heart of all your marketing. No more second-guessing - you'll know with bone-deep certainty that every word leads straight to your offers.


Master the Art of "Do Less But Better" Marketing

It's time to kick "busy work" marketing to the curb. We're talking laser-focused strategies that play to your strengths and actually move the needle.

Here's the kicker: 75% of Club Members discover they've been doing way too much, for way too long. Imagine the relief when you start crossing unnecessary tactics off your to-do list!

We'll uncover your personalized "do less but better" strategy that:

  • Amplifies your message without amplifying your workload
  • Grows your audience to the right size for your business model
  • Generates leads while you know, do the work you actually love

The Result? A crystal-clear 90-day marketing plan that's tailored to your revenue goals. No more hoping and wishing - you'll know exactly which actions will get you where you want to go.


Turn Your Marketing into a Fine-Tuned System

Alright, you've nailed your message and your streamlined strategy.

Now it's time to put it all into action with a twist: we treat all marketing as an experiment.

Why? Because whether your efforts soar or stumble, you're gathering priceless data. And in the Expert Up Club, we use that data to evolve your approach.

Here's how we roll:

  • Launch your custom marketing experiment
  • Analyze the results with expert eyes
  • Double down on what's working
  • Mercilessly ditch what's not

The Result? On average, our members bid adieu to two ineffective marketing strategies, reclaiming mountains of time and energy.

Ready to stop being overlooked for your expertise & finally be recognized for the amazing work you do?

Become a member of the Expert Up Club, and be the first person people think of when they need support or your expertise.

Our January 2025 Cohort will open for new members in December. Get on the Waitlist, and Dr. Michelle will personally reach out to you when it does!

Meet the Members Who Say Marketing Sucks Less


This is a generous community of 35+ experts who show up to market their businesses and support each other along the way.

Elise Enriquez headshot

Elise Enriquez

Productivity Coach

“The Expert Up Club is the best investment I’ve ever made!”

"And I've been in business for 15 years.

I have peace of mind about how I spend my time, and I'm not agonizing about what I'm not doing that everybody says I should be doing."


Andrea Jones

Andréa Jones

Social Media Strategist

“You seriously gather some of the BEST humans on the internet.”

"Michelle truly has a knack for bringing out the best in people and creating a vibrant ecosystem for us to learn, share, and evolve.

I've met some new life-long connections through this group and that is invaluable."


Diann Wingert

Business: Business Coaching

Target Market: ADHD-ish entrepreneurs



Diann is an extrovert and a natural-born joiner. Because of that, she was in too many programs trying to implement too many different, conflicting marketing strategies, and she was on the edge of burnout.

“I had lost my ability to trust my own intuition, instincts and my own critical thinking,”

But still, Diann felt like she needed “a solid group of support from genuine talk about challenges in our businesses, challenges with clients, just challenges with marketing and all kinds of things.”


Since Diann stopped listening to so many different voices and began figuring out how to market on her own terms, she scaled way back on social media. She finds herself doing less marketing and being more effective at it.

“By being in fewer places, more intentionally, more consistently, and with a much deeper and richer commitment. I’m doing much better. I’m not on the edge of burnout anymore. And I do believe I’m going to figure marketing out. But not by myself.”

One of the biggest transformations for Diann was owning her expertise and realizing that most of the mass-marketed advice doesn’t work for experts.

She can confidently move forward and market on her own terms and get feedback whenever she needs it because The Club has her back.


Laura Litwiller

Career Coach for Teachers

Tapped into A Community of Seasoned Business Owners

"I've posted a number of questions in the Help & Feedback section about marketing strategy/approach, and I always get some really great feedback.

In all cases, I've been able to come to an answer based on what other people have shared."

pauline wiles

Pauline Wiles

Website Consultant

Stopped Over Marketing & Focused on What Works

“I emailed my list less because that's not where I was getting clients from. SEO is.

I left three professional organziations. I took the pressure off myself to get on this zoom call and try and make connections. And I mean, that's been lovely."



Business: Email Automation Strategy & ConvertKit Specialist

Client: Coaches & Consultants



Bev knew what she did was different but struggled to differentiate her services in a saturated market.

She was great at closing sales once people got on a call with her, “I was having a hard time…getting people onto the call that’s challenging and understanding, figuring out how to differentiate what I do from everyone else out there,” Bev shared.


She refined her messaging strategy and revamped her website copy, moving beyond the technical aspects of her work to emphasize its strategic value.

She also named her newsletter, Automate with Heart, which communicates how she’s different to her subscribers and aligns with her values.

Moreover, Bev found the club’s community to be a source of not only emotional support and inspiration but also unexpected business opportunities. “A nice benefit, which I wasn’t expecting, but like people in the group have hired me,” Bev noted, underscoring the trust and respect fostered within the club.

By the Numbers

average number of years in business
B2B Consultants
1:1 Service Providers
Community/Program Leaders

Hi there!

I’m Dr. Michelle Mazur, founder of The Expert Up Club, author of the 3 Word Rebellion, and co-host of Duped: The Dark Side of Online Business.

Who am I to be leading a group of experts?

  • A decade of experience working with business owners to translate their expertise into a message that gets them known and hired for their work.
  • A Ph.D. in Communication, meaning that I understand the science of messaging, so I have a deep understanding of how your clients process your message and how to persuade them by building an argument for your work (with none of the manipulative shenanigans)
  • Seven years of experience in Corporate America doing marketing and market research for companies like Microsoft, Burt’s Bees, Kerrygold Butter, and more. I understand how marketing works in the real world, not just the online bubble. I’m thrilled to gather a club of experts to change online business as we know it!

If you book a private tour, you'll meet with ME so I can show you around and help you determine if The Expert Up Club is right for you!

Yours in rebellion,

Dr. Michelle Mazur

Your Experience Inside The Club

Core Messaging Sprints


Marketing without a message is a time suck of doom!

That's why you'll start your journey by creating your Minimal Viable Marketing Message.

This is the fastest way to translate your expertise into a compelling, persuasive marketing message that leads people to work with you.

Each sprint can be done at your own pace and designed for you to do the work without consuming endless amounts of useless information.

When you're finished, you've created a Messaging Guide that allows you to:

  • Spruce up your website copy so it's crystal clear who you are, what you do & why they should pay you
  • Know exactly what to say when you market and be confident it's leading people to your offer
  • Stop stumbling over your words when talking to potential clients & know exactly how to show them you're the right person for them
Zoom call


Create a 90-day marketing plan that actually results in sales.

Every 90 days, we come together as a community to map out what the next three months of successful marketing will look like for you.

You'll define your "do less but better" marketing strategy, and you'll define one marketing experiment so you can figure out what works for your business.

In 90 days, not only will you book more of your ideal clients, but you will also have a clearer sense of what works for you.

Without a doubt, you'll let ineffective tactics go!  

*(h/t to Greg McKeown’s Book Essentialism for the name)



Want a second set of eyes on your sales page, homepage, about page or something else?

Every month you'll have the opportunity to submit one piece of copy and Dr. Michelle will provide you feedback to improve your copy and boost your conversions.

(Most copywriters would charge between $750-$1,000 to provide feedback on piece copy so being able to submit three for $625 is a deal).

Dr. Michelle Mazur


Get your burning business, marketing, and messaging questions answered!

Tap into Dr. Michelle’s brains (and the community's collective intelligence) to solve your business problems so you can move forward! Sessions are Live on Zoom, and you can always submit questions if you can't be there live!



Access to our curated community of kickass experts with a wealth of business knowledge.

Think of these people as your co-conspirators and collaborators who you potentially can team up with to grow your audience. Not only that, these people will “get” you and will celebrate what you’re trying, be there to answer questions, and give feedback on what you’re working on. We connect on a custom community forum (that’s not Facebook) that’s built just for you.

guest experts


Based on the community's needs, we’ll have 2-3 expert workshops every quarter that help you more effectively market your business and grow your audience.

When you join the Club, you'll get instant access to training on LinkedIn, SEO, branding, writing your welcome sequence, and email subscriber strategy from some of the most talented experts in the industry.

Ready for personalized messaging & marketing support tailored to your business?

The Expert Up Club displayed on a MacBook

Potential members must book a private tour or the club. If we mutually decide that The Club is right for your business, payment will be required to secure your spot in The Expert Up Club.

Two payment options are available.
(Rates listed below are for a 12-month membership.)


(Or Pay-in-Full for $2,300 & Save $200)

One-year membership with the first payment due when you join The Club, then additional payments are due every 90 days.


One-year membership with the first payment due when you join The Club, then additional payments are due every 30 days.

Become a member of the Expert Up Club, and be the first person people think of when they need support or need your expertise.

Our January 2025 Cohort will open for new members in December. Get on the Waitlist, and Dr. Michelle will personally reach out to you when it does!

Got questions? I’ve got answers!

Ready to Join?

The Expert Up Club displayed on a MacBook

Potential members must book a private tour or the club. If we mutually decide that The Club is right for your business, payment will be required to secure your spot in The Expert Up Club.

Two payment options are available.
(Rates listed below are for a 12-month membership.)


(Or Pay-in-Full for $2,300 & Save $200)

One-year membership with the first payment due when you join The Club, then additional payments are due every 90 days.


One-year membership with the first payment due when you join The Club, then additional payments are due every 30 days.

Become a member of the Expert Up Club, and be the first person people think of when they need support or need your expertise.

Our January 2025 Cohort will open for new members in December. Get on the Waitlist, and Dr. Michelle will personally reach out to you when it does!

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Create your one-of-a-kind message that is the ultimate hook and the message you want to be known for!

The 3 Word Rebellion is the key to go from business owner to thought leader.

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