Make Marketing Suck Less

Simplify Your Marketing Strategy: How The Expert Up Club Helped Diann Wingert Do Less Marketing

There’s so much conflicting marketing advice depending on WHO you’re listening to.

Should you…

  • Be on ALL the social media platforms OR focus on one
  • Post 5 times a day OR develop one piece of quality content
  • Go broad OR. niche down

It’s enough to send you to the edge of burnout and make you want to burn your business to the ground.

This is exactly where Diann Wingert, former psychotherapist turned business coach for driven female entrepreneurs, found herself before joining The Expert Up Club.

Diann is a natural-born joiner and an extrovert at heart. She loves being a part of a community.

She was joining many different memberships to cobble together a bunch of things that met all of her needs for creativity, productivity, accountability, and support around her marketing and messaging.

Every membership she was in had its own “proven process” for marketing your business.

The result: She was trying to implement too many different, conflicting marketing strategies, and she was on the edge of burnout.

“I had lost my ability to trust my own intuition, instincts and my own critical thinking, Why would I have gone to so many years of graduate school to develop my critical thinking only to put it away when I moved my business online?

But I lost my ability to trust that I actually do know what's best, or at least have a well formed hypothesis, which I can then experiment with and get some analytics and proof.”

Once she realized those memberships had her scattered in a million directions, she unsubscribed, unfollowed, and sent some nice emails saying she was canceling.

But still, Diann felt like she needed “a solid group of support from genuine talk about challenges in our businesses, challenges with clients, just challenges with marketing and all kinds of things.”

Why Diann Choose Put Down Roots Inside The Expert Up Club

After being in so many communities that got her off track, Diann chose to be in The Expert Up Club because she could get quality feedback and support from genuine experts.

She said: “I feel like I exchanged quantity for quality. The Expert Up Club is a place where I knew I could put down roots, a place where I could go deep, not wide.”

It’s A Community Where She’s “Not the Smartest Person in the Room”

Diann believes that who you surround yourself with matters. She wanted to be with colleagues who were also experts in their fields because building a business solo is lonely work.

Being the smartest person in the room doesn't necessarily mean that I have the highest IQ. It means that I want to have conversations with people who really want to master their craft, and not just make money doing something they don't mind doing.

Diann said in this community, Dr. Michelle Mazur (the leader/founder of The Expert Up Club) is“very consciously creating a community, not just trying to scale an offer.”

In the community, she’s surrounded herself with people “who really care about quality and standards, who want people to think critically about making the decision to work with them, and just just trying to rush people to the buy button.”

The Openness and Transparency of the Sales Process

Let’s face it. We’ve all been burned by programs that promise the moon and then don’t deliver so Diann really appreciated that I hosted an Open House.

“I think that's really important, not just for people like me, who feel like they've been burned a few times, and also been a little too enthusiastic to join things without properly vetting them.”

Michelle gave people the opportunity to come to an open house. You know, like, like, with a realtor. She said, ‘Hey, come in, look around, you can open the medicine cabinet. So you can look through the underwear drawer if you want. Let me show you.”

Diann felt no pressure to join, just that Michelle wanted her to make the best decision for her business.

Now that she joined The Club, what’s her experience like?

The Expert Up Club Allows You to Choose Your Own Experience Based On Your Business’s Needs

The experience in The Expert Up Club is tailored to you and your business. What you can get out of the club and what problem it solves for your business depends on YOU!

There are so many ways to experience The Club and get your business’s needs met. Diann likes that she has options to choose from.


“If I want to just come and attend the live trainings, I can do that and get my needs met.

If I don't want to go to any of the live trainings, but I'm there to develop meaningful, mutually beneficial relationships with other experts, I can do that.

If I want to go to put my new messaging in the pot and ask you and other experts for feedback. I know I'm gonna get quality feedback and not ‘love it, you know, your stuff’s gonna blow up girl.’”


She says that The Club has “is for thoughtful strategic, long term planning. Michelle’s not teaching any quick fixes, magic bullets, overnight anything's. And the kind of people that are attracted to the club are not people who are looking for that or expect to find it.

Diann Ditched Mass Marketed Advice & Scaled Back on Social Media

During her time in the Club Diann has participated in the community, attended our quarterly marketing retreats and live Q&A calls, and even attended our retreat in Palm Springs, CA.

Because of her time in the Club, she’s marketing differently, embracing her own and finding collaboration partners

Scaled Way Back on Social Media & Embraced “Do Less but Better” Marketing

Since Diann stopped listening to so many different voices and began figuring out how to market on her own terms. She finds herself doing less marketing and being more effective at it.

“By being in fewer places, more intentionally, more consistently, and with a much deeper and richer commitment. I'm doing much better. I'm not on the edge of burnout anymore. And I do believe I'm going to figure everything out. But not by myself.”

The truth is experts who are solo business owners don’t need to be everywhere. They don’t have the time, energy or resources to do it all when juggling client delivery and sales on top of marketing.

Permission to Experiment and Explore

Since the Club doesn’t give one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter guidance, Diann has a place to experiment and explore what her marketing and messaging *could* look like.

She freely admits that she hasn’t done all the messaging sprints (yet) but Instead:

“What I have done is given myself a lot of room to play with, what could it look like? And what do I know it's not? And I'm actually working with a couple of different members of the group on SEO and email marketing”

The permission to experiment and explore allowed her to decide to rebrand. She loves the fact that several members of the club are pivoting and can have conversations with them about their journey.

Owned Her Expertise & Realized that Experts Need to Market Differently

One of the biggest transformations for Diann was owning her expertise and realizing that most of the mass-marketed advice doesn’t work for experts.

That she could trust herself. After all, she built a successful psychotherapy practice from the ground up. She could do the same with her coaching business.

I know I'm a smart cookie. And I know that I'm on the right track. And I know exactly how I got lost. So I don't have to pay attention to any of the head trash anymore.”

She can confidently move forward and market on her own terms and get feedback whenever she needs it because The Club has her back.

Who Should Join The Expert Up Club?

Finally, I asked Diann who should join the Club and she said:

“[People] who aren't looking for quick fixes, easy answers, fast action bonuses, who really understand that it's a wonderful, wonderful thing to be your own boss, but it is work. And who you who you surround yourself with, really, really matters.”


She reminds us not to just join the programs by the big-name, web celeb types but if you’re interested in joining a program where you’ll get tailored, expert guidance and support, then join us for the next open house or book your private tour today.

Create Your One-of-a-Kind Message

Your 3 Word Rebellion is the Key to Growing Your Business & Impact

Yes! I’m ready to rebel!

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