FREE Course: Market Like an Expert
Create MORE Demand for Your Offers & Expertise While Marketing LESS
Create MORE Demand for Your Offers & Expertise While Marketing LESS
what ticks you off?
I believe there are too many ideas spreading like the flu around the Internet. Those ideas don’t do a whole lot to change people or industries. Spreading ideas is just adding to the noise.
My rebel friend, your message needs to rise above the noise so that you can tear down what exists and create your vision of change so that you can make your mark and create your legacy.
I’m here for just that!
It’s a big idea and the big change that your business actually sells. It’s the ultimate start of your messaging strategy.
Because you don’t sell coaching, copywriting, underwater basket weaving, or [insert your solution here].
You’re selling a transformation that brings your clients success, and that’s what your 3 Word Rebellion is all about!
It’s THE message that you want to be known for. It’s the message that calls the right people in to do business with you and that builds your movement.
Your 3 Word Rebellion will make people curious, ready to act, and excited to know more. Most importantly it is how you make a difference and leave a lasting legacy.
I believe your 3 Word Rebellion is the heartbeat of your business. It’s essential to your success.
Most likely unknown. Your message is what catapults you into thought leadership. It gets you the speaking gig, the client, and the podcast pitch. It is how you make a difference on a massive scale.
I have a Ph.D. in Communication which means I know why the audience says “heck yes” or “oh, hell no” to your message. As a messaging strategist, I’m always looking for how the audience might resist your message and how you can move them ever closer to yes (Resistance is futile).
I’m a researcher at heart. I bring my qualitative research skills into my work as a message strategist which makes it easy for me to spot patterns, themes, and turns of phrase that can easily be used in your 3 Word Rebellion.
My superpower as a messaging strategist is figuring out what makes you and your message unique. I’m able to see how your message is valuable and deserving of the spotlight in ways that you might not be able to see.
When you combine all of these skills, it means that I have a 100% success rate in crafting my clients’ 3 Word Rebellions. Pretty cool, eh?
Not only that, many of my clients who are speakers have gone on to book $10,000 speaking gigs, raise 3x the amount of money expected for the launch of a charity, and become international speakers (even in front of world leaders!).
If you want results like that, then we should totally have a chat about it, or at the very least go grab the 3 Word Rebellion messaging framework so that you can answer the questions that lead to your own rebellion.
Just to show you that I am not all 3 Word Rebellion — let’s change the world — all the time.