How Do You Promote Your 3 Word Rebellion & Build Your Audience Around It?
The other day in the Rebel Rising Facebook community, one of the members had an excellent question, “How do I promote my 3 Word Rebellion?”
He has a 3 Word Rebellion that he loves and is excited about and he wants to create an inciting incident to get the word out exactly like I talk about in the book.
I thought, fantastic. I will just go grab the episode where I talk about the 3 Word Rebellion ecosystem and then he'll be good to go.
Except I have never ever, ever, ever told you all about my entire 3 Word Rebellion framework. There's been bits and pieces of it mentioned in other episodes and if you've been to the webinars, you've seen it, but I've never actually recorded a podcast about it!
Here's the deal, once you find your 3 Word Rebellion, it's not like you can just say it and it gets accepted by the world. You actually have to create a lot of messaging that goes with it.
If you think about it, it's not like Simon Sinek was standing on the street corners here in Seattle saying, start with why. Start with why, start with why, and everybody was flocking to him. No, he had a TEDx talk. He had messages and communication that helped him spread the word.
You have to create a whole ecosystem of messaging around your 3 Word Rebellion. And that is how you start building your audience around your message. That's how you start being known and recognized for this message.
So today on the podcast, I want to dive into that framework.
Table of Contents
- 1 The 3 Word Rebellion Ecosystem.
- 2 In order to be known and recognized for this 3 Word Rebellion, you need two other pieces of messaging in order to get the message out into the world.
- 3 On the other side of the diamond is our signature storytelling.
- 4 Then the final bottom point of the diamond is what I call message domination through radical consistency.
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Before I dig all the way in, I wanted to take a moment and invite you to join me for an upcoming 3 Word Rebellion masterclass. During this masterclass, we're going to focus on how to grow your business and your influence 24/7 with a one of a kind message.
Now, if you've been to my webinars before, or you might be thinking, Oh Michelle, I've read the book, why should I come to this one and this webinar?
Well, I am going to be giving you some never before revealed insights into how to create your 3 Word Rebellion.
Specifically, we're going to be talking about creating an “intrigue loop.” This is exactly what you want your 3 Word Rebellion to do if you want people to take action and find out more and to dive deeper into your work.
I'll also be giving you some fresh insights into how to create your 3 Word Rebellion if you're still struggling with yours.
If you have the book and you've done all the exercise or the 3 Word Rebellion is totally new to you, then this webinar is for you. It takes place on Thursday, October 24th at 1:00 PM Eastern 10:00 AM Pacific time join us online by registering here. I really hope to see you there.
The 3 Word Rebellion Ecosystem.
When I work with clients, I help them create this entire messaging package. And just so you can visualize what it looks like in your head, it is shaped, the framework itself, is shaped like a diamond.

At the tippy-top of the diamond sits your 3 Word Rebellion. The 3 Word Rebellion is the beating heart of your business. It's your one of a kind. It's positioning you as the only option in your industry. And frankly, it's the message you want associated with your name. This is the message you are giving your people to spread because they'll be excited to spread it because it encapsulates the change you want to create in the world for them.
The 3 Word Rebellion, it's whole purpose is to grab attention and make people curious. During the webinar, I'm going to be talking about one other thing that I've realized that a super effective 3 Word Rebellions do. And I'm so excited because it is essential.
In order to be known and recognized for this 3 Word Rebellion, you need two other pieces of messaging in order to get the message out into the world.
These are at the points of the diamond. On one side is the audience journey, and the other side is signature storytelling.
If you've been a listener to this podcast for awhile, you've heard me talk about the audience journey before. I've done a few webinars and training around it. The audience journey is really creating that logical progression to move people from being completely unaware of you, unaware of your message of the work you do, the problem you solve. They don't even know if they have the problem that you solve, to being bought into your message and your work, and some of them will even want to work with you.
To do that you need to create conversations to move people along in this journey. It's logic with a little bit of feeling.
It's based on the customer awareness spectrum where we're taking people from unaware and then moving them to problem aware, then to solution then to your specific solution, to being most aware where they're your raving fans and bought into the work that you do.
The ultimate goal of having a journey like this is to get them to be a part of your community, to get them to be an advocate for your brand and to have them do business with you, to join your movement, to help you create that change that you want in the world.
The really cool benefit from the business owner's side of things is once you have this you get to be very, very intentional and consistent about how you're building your business.
Because you will know exactly the conversations you need to create to move people along.
If you need to build your audience, you need more eyeballs on your message, then you know you need to be talking to you're unaware, problem aware people, right? Like those are the conversations. Go and create them. Be intentional.
If you want more people to work with you, then you have got to start talking about that solution more and making the invitation to work with you. Invitation equals call to action.
On the other side of the diamond is our signature storytelling.
Storytelling for me is about bringing emotion into everything.
Because we're humans, we make emotional decisions. We want to do business with people that we like, that we care about. What I love most about my business is I get to work with people that I'd want to hang out with. I am thrilled to support them. I want to see them succeed.
In your audience journey, when you have stories that allow your people to make that emotional connection and show how much you care about the work you do, it is so persuasive.
With signature storytelling, it really accomplishes two purposes.
Purpose number one is it sets you up with something I call a story well. Basically this is a list of stories that you can tell in your business because the best way to switch up your messaging, because we're going to talk about radical consistency in a moment and staying on message. But the best way for you to keep your message fresh is to tell new stories.
So having a place where you're cataloging the stories that you can tell and you know where they fit into your audience journey is a great way for you to keep it fresh.
On the flip side of that, you want certain stories to be associated with your brand and with your business. And specifically when I work with clients, I'm looking for three specific stories.
I am looking for a connection story and a connection story is about you and it can be your origin story about why you do the work you do. It can be a struggle story. It does not have to be your deepest, darkest secret or your trauma story. But it's a way to let people in and know the real you because they want to know you.
The second story is the reason to believe, the reason to believe in your 3 Word Rebellion. And this is a fun story because this is where you get to highlight the people who work with you, the transformation that your work creates. So you get to brag on and love on your clients and hey, if you're new to business and you think you don't have any reason to believe stories., talk about how the work you do has worked for you. That's fine. That's a fine place to start when you're just starting out.
The third story is the elevated social proof story and elevated social proof is just merely showing that this concept, your 3 Word Rebellion, exists out in the world outside of yourself. This can be the stories of public figures, famous people, and research.
I know for me, when I do podcast interviews, people want to know other 3 Word Rebellions. So that's why I'm always talking about Simon Sinek or Mel Robbins or Tim Ferriss because they're my elevated social proof stories. It's just nice to be able to say, no, this actually exists. I see other people using it. They might not know that they're doing it, but they are.
Those are the two pieces of messaging that are essential in supporting your 3 Word Rebellion to get out into the world.
Then the final bottom point of the diamond is what I call message domination through radical consistency.
Do you know how politicians are always talking about staying on message?
They have a message they want to get it across and so they stay on message and you can even see this when they're being interviewed during campaigns. Somebody asks them a question and they pivot the question back to what the message is.
We business owners need to do that. Although we don't have to be as, I want to use the word slimy here, but we do want to be consistent with our message.
This is why that audience journey is so important because that audience journey, your 3 Word Rebellion and the stories– what you do is you create marketing campaigns and you launch those marketing campaigns again and again and you create inciting incidents, whether that's a speech, a webinar or Facebook lives.
These are assets that you want to be using again and again to spread your message.
And I've talked about Brené Brown and how radically consistent she is with her message. You want to do the same thing because here's the deal and this is important. I'm going to do a whole episode on this because it's key because part of message domination is knowing how new ideas spread and get adopted.
And by the way, there is a theory for this. It is called diffusion of innovation and it's all about how new ideas get adopted. And what you need to know is that when you start at first you and a couple of other people are going to be the only people talking about your message. So you're going to be the one doing all of the talking. So it's important for you to repeat yourself and repeat yourself until more and more people catch on because there are a pattern and a pathway for how messages and new ideas spread. And I promise I will share that with you in November because it will change everything for you.
So there it is. You have it, the complete framework, the whole ecosystem that gets you known and recognized for your message. So your 3 Word Rebellion, your audience journey, your storytelling, and your message domination through radical consistency. If you're ready for more, I would love for you to join me for the 3 Word Rebellion webinar on Thursday, October 24th just text “3wr” to 333777 or sign up online. I can't wait to see you there. And until next time, continue to get your three-word rebellion out into the world.
People are waiting for it. I'm waiting for it. I can't wait to see what you've come up with and the impact that it's going to have on others.