Move Your Audience with Your Message


You’ve sat in the audience craving to be on the stage making a difference to the audience

Yes, you’ve been changed by the speakers you watched.

Now it’s YOUR turn to step on stage and impact hundreds (or even millions) of people with your message.

Be the speaker that makes an earth-shattering impact on their audience, gets famous for their expertise and is booked and paid to speak! 

The Rebel Speaker Accelerator is a 7-week on-demand program.

It fully equips you to book and get paid to speak so you can focus on what you do best – SPEAKING.

Your life after the Rebel Speaker Accelerator…

Deliver a keynote speech followed by a standing O plus an offer to give another paid speech.

Secure new clients and earn cash for your business every time you speak.

Double your speaking fees!(And adding an extra $$$ to your bottom line every month)

Booki paid speaking gigs across the United States and around the world

“The Rebel Speaker Accelerator made a huge difference. Instead of saying, ‘That was a great talk,’ the audience now says, ‘How can I work with you?’”
– Tracey Warren, Founder of InSpark Coworking

“The Accelerator helped me find the nuggets of gold in my speech which I continue to give in different venues. The payments for speakingI received sare compounded by the new connections, clients, and opportunities each time I speak.”

-Ellen Goldsmith, Co-Founder, Pearl Natural Health

When speakers complete the Accelerator, on average,

5X their investment with just ONE speaking opportunity.

This means deliver five speeches and you 25x that investment. Heck yeah!!!

Accelerate Your Speaking


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What happens after you click the red button?

  • Pay via Stripe
  • Start your course
  • Accelerate your speaking business

Here’s what you’ll create:

Modules 1 & 2: Uncover the Strategy Behind Your Talk & Business

Develop the strategy behind your talk by delving into the mind of your audience to discover what they need to hear. From there, we’ll develop your BIG IDEA (the idea you want the audience to remember and be known for). Finally, we’ll map your audience’s journey so that you know how to pitch your talk.


Modules 3 & 4: Research & Pitch for Speaking Gigs

You’ll learn the research strategies the pros use to find and track speaking opportunities. By the end of Week 4, you’ll refine your speaking pitch and send that pitch OUT to at least ONE (if not more) speaking opportunities!

Modules 5-7: Finish Your Next Best-Selling Product (Your Speech)

Now, that you’ve pitched your speech, it’s time to develop, write, and refine that speech so that when you land a speaking gig you’re ready to go. By the end of week 7, you’ll have a finished product that your audience needs to hear & conference organizers want to book! 

You’ll accelerate your progress with…

Facebook Community

Get your questions answered, crowdsource feedback, and participate in this thriving community of speakers

9 Audio/Video Lessons

These lessons are like have your own speech coach in your ear. Each module Dr. Michelle takes you through her step-by-step process so you know EXACTLY what steps to take to build your speaking business.

Rebel Speaker Accelerator Workbook

A total of 8 workbooks that you can refer back to anytime you have to tweak your strategy, find additional speaking gigs, and develop or customize your speech.

Start a Movement with Your Message


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Meet the Creator of the Rebel Speaker Accelerator

michelle-mazurDr. Michelle Mazur is the CEO of Communication Rebel where she helps speaker and entrepreneurs make a bigger impact with their signature talk while building a business on their own terms.

Her Ph.D. is in Communication and the Speak for Impact™ method is grounded in research from the fields of persuasion, social psychology and message processing (so she KNOWS how people process messages & what gets them to a yes) and she’s been speaking to audiences large and small for over 25 years.

After working with her clients have gone on to book $10,000 speaking gigs, become international speakers (they even speak in front of First Ladies!), and negotiate their highest speaking fees ever! 

I want YOU to be the next speaker who gets big results!


“Michelle increased my confidence and now I’m speaking across the United States.”

-Kellie Tollifson, VP of Operations T-Squared

Accelerate Your Speaking


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Who is the Accelerator for?


Revenue Growers

You’re a business owner or entrepreneur who wants to develop your signature talk so you attract clients to your business.


Momentum Seekers

You’re launching your speaking business and you want to start landing gigs…FAST…or NOW.


Up Levelers

You’re an experienced speaker who wants to go from good to unforgettable so you can secure opportunities consistently or double your fees.


Change Makers

You’re a facilitator or teacher who wants to transition from the breakout room to being the main stage keynote speaker.

Who is this not for?

  • You’re terrified of public speaking (I feel your pain but this is not the program for you)
  • You’re just starting out in business and you need cash now
  • You don’t have a vague idea about what you want to speak about it

“I was ready to up the game on my speaking career and I knew that having a top notch talk was the first step. The talk we created is more versatile, more impactful, and full of way more personality than I’ve created before on my own.
I love giving that talk and people love hearing it!”

– Tara Gentile,

Business Strategist

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Are payment plans available?

Not at this point in time, but they are coming soon.

I’m super busy. How much work is the Accelerator?

There’s no busy work. This program is all about getting the speech, getting the pitch, and getting going.

Do the course is at your own pace to accommodate your life. 

I don’t have my message nailed down. Is the Accelerator for me?

YES! This is actually perfect for you because it will help you develop your message.

As long as you know your topic area (leadership, team building, social media), in the first two weeks of the Accelerator will be nailing down your message and making sure it’s the “right” message for your audience.

I’ve got a signature talk. Is the Accelerator right for me?

YES! If you’re not getting as many speaking opportunities or you’re not getting paid what you want for your speaking, then the Accelerator is right for you. You’ll refine, reposition, and discover places to pitch your talk during the program.

Why should I do this NOW?

Do you want speaking to generate revenue for your business in the next 6 to 12 months?

Then NOW is the time to write your talk, research places to give it, and start to pitch it. By the end of 2017 (or sooner), you could be speaking consistently. My question to you is do you want these results now or later? If your answer is NOW (or last week), then buy the Accelerator.

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“I’ve gone through a ton of speaker training + speech writing over the years and I’ve gotta say Michelle Mazur is A-MAZING. This accelerator gave me more clarity, confidence and focus for my speeches than EVER before”

– Michelle L. Evans, Marketing Strategist

“I increased the number of people who signed up to be clients right after my talk.”

– Erica Loren,

Accelerate Your Speaking


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Create your one-of-a-kind message that is the ultimate hook and the message you want to be known for!

The 3 Word Rebellion is the key to go from business owner to thought leader.

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