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12 Most Spectacular Ways to Make your Communication Sparkle

“Excuse me, I think you have something in your eye. Nope, it’s just a sparkle.” ~ Anonymous pick-up artist

I was watching a presentation about human resource administration. Boring, right? I thought it would be mind numbing, but it wasn’t. It was engaging, informative, and even funny. How was this happening? The speaker just had a sparkle in his eye that transformed his presentation from boring to soaring.

Effective CommunicationWe can all sparkle like my HR friend in our communication. It doesn’t have to be a presentation; we can sparkle in conversations, walking down the street or even ordering a cup of coffee.

Here are the 12 Most Spectacular Ways to Make Your Communication Sparkle:

1. Share your passion

What makes you sparkle? What passion do you have that when you talk about it you light up a room? Don’t hide what you love. Share it with the world. You’ll be amazed how people gravitate towards you when you do.

2. Be interested

The flip side of sharing your passion is being interested in what another person sparkles about. Sharing your sparkle inspires others to share their sparkle too.

3. Express gratitude

Thank you. Two tiny words that in my opinion are not genuinely said enough. The people in our lives do so much for us and yet we mostly likely don’t say thank you enough. In that spirit, a public thank you to my Fiancée for making me coffee every single morning. I never say thank you for it, but I really should.

4. Look people in the eye

When I am at Starbucks, I have an awful habit. I sometimes don’t make eye contact with the barista taking my order. I’m fussing with my wallet, getting my credit card out, or looking at the menu. I’m doing everything but looking at the person who is helping me. Making eye contact screams “I see you!” and don’t we all just want to be seen.

5. Listen — no really listen

People not only like to be seen, but they like to be heard. Put away your smartphones, turn off the TV, and just focus on what the other person is saying. Listen emphatically.

6. Smile and mean it

The Killers sang, “Smile like you mean it” but I think you should really mean it!

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Here is your mission if you choose to accept it: the next time you are walking down the street genuinely smile at the person crossing your path. If they don’t smile back, smile at the next person or the next. When that smile is returned, it uplifts your spirit and puts a sparkle in your step.

7. Praise the praiseworthy

Did someone do a really great job on a project? Tell them. Read a blog post that rocked your world? Tell the author and share the post with everyone you know. Fall madly in love with a painting? Tell the artist what it means to you. Showing someone that you appreciate their art has untold benefits.

8. Expect nothing in return

Don’t dole out praise, express gratitude or even smile at someone expecting something in return. Don’t tweet a post hoping the person will tweet one of yours. Do it because you want to, not because you want something out of it.

9. Be honest

People appreciate the truth even when it is hard to hear. Be honest and say what needs to be said. For the love of all things good, if someone has a piece of spinach in their teeth, skirt tucked into their underwear or toilet paper stuck to the bottom of their shoe, TELL THEM!

10. Have I told you lately that I love you?

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I hate that sappy song, but Mr. Stewart has got a point. Telling someone how we feel is one of the most difficult things we have do. Sharing emotions is putting your heart out there and taking a HUGE risk. The bigger risk though is NOT saying how we feel. Go ahead! Tell the people in your life how much you care about them.

11. I’m sorry

We are human, and we screw up. Sometimes we mess up big time and hurt the ones who are the closest to us. Saying a heartfelt “I’m sorry” won’t fix everything, but it is a step in the right direction.

12. Do your best

Some days it is harder to sparkle than other days. There are mornings I wake up with a grey cloud hanging over my head and not just because I live in Seattle. My attitude sucks. I do my best to shine, but sometimes it takes that unexpected smile, compliment or thank you to make me really sparkle. We are never perfect in our communication, but we can always do our best.

It won’t be easy, but I challenge you to do one thing today that makes your communication sparkle. In fact, I’d love to hear about it and the impact it made. Share your shining moment in the comments below!

Reposted with permission for the fabulous 12 Most team:

Create Your One-of-a-Kind Message

Your 3 Word Rebellion is the Key to Growing Your Business & Impact

Yes! I’m ready to rebel!

4 responses to “12 Most Spectacular Ways to Make your Communication Sparkle”

  1. Heidi says:

    A while back I decided to try & compliment every person I talked to or to just drop a compliment on someone as we passed on the street. I not only began to appreciate the clerk at the grocery but started smiling more, just because &, the big one, learned how to give a compliment to myself.

    • Michelle says:

      Heidi, I think that is awesome way to sparkle. Compliments make the other person feel good and help you feel good in turn. I also like to genuinely compliment people when we are struggling in the relationship. It makes establishing common ground easier or it just throws them off their game.

  2. Sue Ritchie says:

    Another great post Michelle,
    Smiling is the world’s most underrated secret weapon in my opinion! When I was a primary school teacher, oner of my pupils came up to and said “I know you like me Miss Rose, becuase every time you look at me you smile!”
    That taught me the importance of acknowledging another human being, and how simply and wonderfully it can be done…and what a difference it makes to their world and self esteem 🙂
    In fact I’m off to write a blog post about it now – thanks for the inspiration 🙂

    • Michelle says:

      Thank you Sue! What a wonderful story. A simple smile does say quite a bit about how feel towards another person and makes them feel great (hey, it makes you feel pretty great as well, right?) Glad I could inspire you.