How to Get the Creative Presentation Juices Flowing
Despite of all the presentation tips, tricks and templates I could give you. The art of creating a great presentation is a creative process.
Storytelling, compelling introductions and memorable conclusions all take a HUGE amount of creative energy.
Sometimes, the muse is just not speaking to you. You get stuck. I get stuck writing my own speeches. It's far easier for me to write great turns-of phrase for my clients than for myself.
When that happens to you, how do you get the muse to end her silence and start speaking to you?
I loved this infographic about 29 ways to stay creative because just one of these can break our creative presentation draught and turn it into a well of speech inspiration.
Coffee, of course! Numero Uno! The darker the better! My sis just brought me fabulous dark from her Tanzanian safari! Next is Read. Meditate. Pray. Make a list for today. Then go out into the world. Put myself out there. Write of course! Creative and Communicative. Others (You!) inspire me. I can’t shut myself off from the world. No WOman is an island.
People and coffee! There is a reason we are friends, Sharon! Love it!