Make Marketing Suck Less

Does Your Audience Want to Break Up With You?

Is your audience wanting to break up with you?

Is your audience trying to send you a Dear John letter?

Dear Speaker,

Hi. It's me your audience. You may not recognize me since you've been staring at your own PowerPoint slides for the last 30-minutes, but here I am.

We need to talk. This “relationship” is not really working out for me.

Hey, I'm out here gazing at you, wishing you the best, and trying to pay attention. But you won't even look at me. Instead you are reading your slides to me. I'm not 3-years old. I don't need a bedtime story. I don't know if you know this about me, but I'm literate. I can read your slides too. You've pretty much made yourself irrelevant in this whole relationship.

Let's face it, you do seem rather self-absorbed. You spent the first 5 minutes of your presentation talking about yourself after you were thoroughly introduced to me. You clearly think you are great, but maybe you should have asked me a question or two. I don't feel like you want to get to know me, and you definitely don't understand me. You don't know what thrills or disappoints me. You don't understand my troubles. You don't seem to care.

I really don't know where this thing is going. No, seriously, you are not making any sense. I'm utterly lost in your lack of organization. You've left me behind, and you haven't even noticed.

We need to end this thing. No, I really mean we need to end this presentation. You're 10 minutes overtime. I've got crap to do. Please just shut up and go away.

In the immortal words of Motley Crüe, “Don't go away mad. Just go away.”

Sarcastic air-kisses, 

Your Audience 

Create Your One-of-a-Kind Message

Your 3 Word Rebellion is the Key to Growing Your Business & Impact

Yes! I’m ready to rebel!

2 responses to “Does Your Audience Want to Break Up With You?”

  1. SharonR says:

    Wow. This is honest and open. Thank you, Audience. In the future I will do better. I will not talk about myself incessantly. I will ask you questions because I really do care about you, what thrills you, what disappoints you and what is troubling you. I will not read slides anymore. I will add interesting graphics and talk about them. I hope I will get a love letter from you very soon! <3