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Super Simple Process for Organizing the Guts of Your Speech

Organizing a presentation is less than a sizzlingly, sexy topic (although I tried to make it fun). However, if you don't want your audience to get completely lost, you need to pay specific attention to how to organize your speech.

Now, there are 2 types of organization in a speech. Fascinating eh? One type is the overall organization of your presentation. Think logical, chronological, problem/solution. The second is organizing the guts of your speech – not Walking Dead zombie guts – but your main points.

Since I'm still busily editing Speak Up for Your Business and completely over writing at the moment, I put together a video blog to take you through this super, simple 3-step process for organizing the guts of your speech.

YouTube video

In case you're wondering, yes that is a sliver tea set behind me. We are all Downton Abbey up in here!

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3 responses to “Super Simple Process for Organizing the Guts of Your Speech”

  1. Craig Hadden – Remote Possibilities says:

    Thanks Michelle – great tip!

  2. Dan says:

    Good stuff, as always. Rock on Michelle!