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7 Reasons to Jump-Start Your Speaking Career Today

7 Reasons to jump-start your public speaking careerIt's your time.

Your time to shine.

Your time to stop lingering in the shadows and step onto a bigger stage with your message.

No more watching your competition get the spotlight meanwhile you're seething with frustration (and a dash of envy) wondering “Why isn't it me?”

Because it can be you. In fact, it will be you.

It's time to stop putting off writing that signature talk that you want to be known for.

It's time to get that darn video opt-in done.

Book that date for your webinar to tell the world about your freaking awesome program.

It's time to STOP waiting for the TEDx organizer to call and time to start taking action and writing that TEDx talk (because you're not the type to sitting around waiting for the phone to ring).

It's time to Speak Up for Your Business.

Here are 7 reasons you should get your message out today.

1. Your tired of being the best kept secret in your industry

You're brilliant.

You should be known for your zone of genius.

Public speaking (whether in front of a live audience or to your Internet BFFs) shines a light on your expertise.

2. Giving your ideas a voice is the cornerstone of your success

The founder of Pandora, Tony Westergren says that his best advice for entrepreneurs is to learn public speaking.

The only hurdle between you and success is giving your ideas a voice. The sooner you start speaking, the sooner you'll be on the road to massive success.

3. You're a bit green with envy that your competitors get all the attention

It's ok. I've felt it too. If you heard your “competition” on a podcast or watched on stage at a speaking gig, then felt the green-eyed monster rear his ugly head. Know that you can be on that stage!

If you want to get noticed and see your ideas spread like wildfire far and wide, then get your message together.

When you've got a strong point of view, a message that resonates, the media attention and speaking gigs follow.

4. You're already a rock star – you just need a bigger stage

You're all ready a success, but now it's time to take your business to a bigger stage.

You've been playing the club scene far too long. It's time to take your business act to the arena and rock that stage.

5. You want to make the world a better place

Seth Godin said it best:

A presentation that doesn’t seek to make change is a waste of time and energy.

~Seth Godin

Your business is going to make the world a better place. If you tell the story of your business, you'll reach more people, change more lives, and make the world even better.

6. We need your story

There's a story behind your business. Why you started your business, why you chose the entrepreneurial path and how you got to be the successful person you are today.

We, your people, want to hear it. You see, we are convinced that there is a message in your story for us.

Your job is to simply tell it.

7. Money honey

There I said it – developing that talk, scheduling your webinar, recording those videos are going to make money happen.

Your message shows off your expertise. It lets people know how you can help. Speaking lets your personality shine. More importantly, it gets people to know, like and trust you.

When they know, like, and trust you, they want to work with you.

When they work with you, you'll notice more cash in your checking account.

You're ready. These 7 reasons compel you to be ready.

It's your time. Stop putting it off and get to work.


Speech Coach Michelle Mazur



P.S. Want a kick in the pants to jump-start speaking up for your business, then apply today (like right now – because we've been waiting long enough to hear from you) for a free 15-minute Message Brilliance session.

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