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The Proper Care and Feeding of Speakers

Public speakers should make sure to schedule self-care


It’s the noise that I make while trying to get up off the floor after watering the Christmas tree.

“So that’s a new development” says my brain.

In my heart, I know why I’m struggling to get off the darn floor (and now dread giving water to our beautiful Christmas tree), I haven’t been taking care of myself.

I’ve been running my business full-time for 7-months after doing it as a side hustle for 2-years. Months of glorious hustle, client triumphs, and creating more than I consume. My self-care routine flew out the window.

How are you taking care of yourself?

I harp on my speakers to celebrate and pamper themselves after each speaking gig. Go to the spa. Curl up with a book. Go out to a nice dinner. Race Indy cars. Do something to recuperate (if you’re an introvert) or celebrate (for my extroverted friends).

Last week, I spoke at the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Seattle. The gig went great, and I loved helping them articulate their message. Do you know how I took care of myself when it was over? I went to Trader Joe’s and then ran a bazillion errands.

Self-care for speakers (and human beings in general) is essential

For speakers, there is a lot of prep work, practice, anticipation, nerves, and a huge exchange of energy between you and the audience that takes place.

It’s so important  to rest afterwards. Even if you feel charged up after a speaking event, you’ll eventually come down from that speaking high. You need to schedule time to re-charge and relax.

Clearly I need help with this care thing, so I'm heeding the words of Chris Brogan who suggests that instead of setting goals – to chose words that give your year focus.  Chris says that resolutions like “I’m going to lose 50 pounds” are easy to forget.  A word like “green” triggers you to make better food choices.

One of my words for 2015:


Care for myself (especially after speaking), care of the people I love, and care for my clients. No more groaning this time next year when I’m watering our tree. (I’ll be telling you about my others words in the weeks to come)

Have you thought about your words or goals for 2015?

If your area of focus for 2015 includes speaking, shining, and playing big, then I’ve got 2 important announcements for you:

  1. Presentation 911 – my one-hour session to review, refine, and polish your presentation is going the way of the dodo bird as of January 1st. You can still book a spot now, and use your session up until March 31st, 2015.
  2. My signature service, Speech Design, where we co-create your keynote, TED Talk, signature speech from your audience’s point of view, the price increases as of January 1st. If you book now, you’ll save $1000, you may be able to use it as a tax deduction AND you can start sessions anytime before March 31st, 2015.

If you’ve been thinking about working with me, there hasn’t been a better time.

How are you taking care of you this holiday season?

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