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Speaking to Sell is Ruining Public Speaking and What to do Instead (TRSP 03)

I’m getting ranty today on the Rebel Speaker today chatting about my biggest speaking pet peeve ever.

It’s the pet peeve where I want to scream “The audience is on to you and we are NOT buying it anymore.”

Not only that this pet peeve has made speakers feel like gross, slimy salesperson for far too long.

On episode 3 of the podcast I’m ranting about why Speak to Sell formulas are ruining the art of public speaking and what you, dear speaker, should do instead to grow your relationship with the audience.

We’ll cover:

  • what Simon Sinek thinks about speakers who sell from the stage (and no it’s not flattering)
  • why speaking to sell is the antithesis to what public speaking is all about
  • what you should be doing instead of pitching the stage
  • why you need a marketing plan to nurture the relationship with your new found fans

Mentioned in this episode:

  1. Read Simon Sinek’s best public speaking advice in this article from Entrepreneur
  2. Learn all about how to marketing, email funnels, and building relationships from Maggie Patterson
  3. The Rebel Speaker Facebook Group – Come join the community of instigators, renegades, and rebels out to make an impact with their message.

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Rebel Speaker Podcast Episode 3

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