Make Marketing Suck Less

How to Know You’re Really READY to Go BIG with Your 3 Word Rebellion

That “I'm not ready” feeling.  

It creeps in every time you want to expand, to get bigger with your message.

And your 3 Word Rebellion?

Well that requires you to get bigger.

Prefer to listen?

(If you don't know what a 3 Word Rebellion is, go to and check it out)

That 3 Word Rebellion requires you to take up more space, to speak its truth every day of the week. When you and I see that requirement, it is so easy to let the “I'm not ready” feeling to creep in.

I hear it all the time when I'm on decision making calls with potential clients.

They tell me “I'll be ready when I reach seven figures in my business.”

“I'll be ready after I work with this coach and then take this other course and then maybe do this mastermind program.”

“I'll be ready when I finish the book or launched the course or teach the workshop…”

“I'll be ready when life settles down”  Side note, rebels, it never will.

“I'll be ready when I have large expanses of time to focus on my message.”

Here's the rebel truth:

You'll always move the readiness finish line.

Your readiness to spread the message to get known for the work you do is not dependent on being more, taking more courses, getting another degree, or making a gazillion figures.

Your readiness depends on your decision to feel uncomfortable.  

Because “I'll be ready” keeps us safe when we know we have to move out of our comfort zone.

And I know, because I do this too, for the past three or four months my friends, my coach…

They've been challenging me to create a retreat,  to create a live event and frankly I don't feel ready.

I'll be more ready when the 3 Word Rebellion book is done.

I'll be more ready when I have more time…

I have all of these excuses too because I am being asked to expand.

So how do you know when you're really ready?

Here are the three signs that your ready to get out there to be seen and to be known for your 3 Word Rebellion.

Sign #1: Your Business is Sustainable

Sign Number One, your business is sustainable.

You're making money every month and that revenue is fairly consistent. It's fairly reliable.

My friend Brenne Dyck over at MNIB Consulting. She was talking about this principle that our revenue is actually predictable plus or minus 20 percent and when I did the calculations on my own revenue, I was like, yeah, my revenue is predictable.

Not only that, but people are finding you. You've got inbound leads coming in, there is word of mouth.

People are talking you up and what your services do for other people.

You're clear on how you work with people: you have a process. You have a methodology that you're taking people through.

These are all signs of a sustainable businesses and if you are listening to this and if you are not there yet, I will make this caveat for you:

Get to the point where your business is sustainable.

It will be so much easier for you to focus on building this platform, creating this movement, being a speaker and being a leader if your business can actually support you through the process.

When you're starting out, you're still trying to figure out who you are, how you serve, and what your message is.

Let your business get to that point where you feel it's solid and then it's time to go bigger with your message.

Sign #2: A Growing Body of Work

Sign number two, that you are ready to go bigger with your message is you've got a growing body of work.

You have been podcasting or writing blog posts or guest blog posts. You're making media appearances.

You are doing podcast interviews. You are already building a list.

You have a social media presence, you have a facebook group, and your work is getting out there.

It might not be getting to the big time, to all of the eyeballs that you would want on the work, but it's getting out there and you are constantly adding to that body of work.

Another part of this sign of having a body of work is that you do have a methodology for how you work with people; for how you give them this transformation.

What I find when I'm working with speakers and business owners and entrepreneurs is that the people who have figured out their own process for transformation are in the right place to start talking about that process and that transformation to all who will listen and all who will need it.

Sign #3: Your Message is Not All Figured Out…YET

The final sign that you are ready to go bigger with your message is you don't have your message all figured out yet.  

Now, I know that sounds counterintuitive, but it surprises me how often people email me and tell me “I'm going to work with you when I figure out what my message is.”

Here's the rebel truth:

If you haven't been able to figure out your core message, your 3 Word Rebellion, by now and you've spent time doing it, then you need help in order to get unstuck and move forward because you are too close to what you do.

You are the expert. You are in your body of work day in and day out, and you lose sight of what is valuable and that's why you can't distill it to its essence.

That's why you can't develop that crisp, succinct, 3 Word Rebellion, because you're stuck in the weeds.

People should work with me when they want to figure out that message and really nail it when they want to be seen and known for their body of work and have their name synonymous with the difference that they make in the world.

So it's okay not to have it all figured out when you ask for help.

What is not okay is staying stuck.

If you know you have a bigger message to share that makes a difference.

Your mission is to get it out to the people who need it and be of service.

If these three signs are present for you, you are ready.

If you have that sustainable business, if you have that growing body of work that you are adding to and if you don't have your message all figured out, you are ready.

Stop Moving the Finish line

So stop moving the finish line and start the journey of going big with your message, sharing it daily and getting known and I'm here to help with that.

I have a few spots open for a free discovery call to talk about how you and I can work together to craft your 3 Word Rebellion, the rebellious talking points that incite action and remove resistance to people raising their hand and saying yes, plus the stories that evoke emotion, so people want to be a part of the movement you're creating.

Go to DrMichelle to apply for a call with me so that you and I can see if there's chemistry there. If there's a fit for working together.

You're more than ready.

This message, this work you do, this idea, I believe it chose you as its messenger and by you listening to this episode, it's telling you that you’re ready to be visible and to carry that message into the world.

Create Your One-of-a-Kind Message

Your 3 Word Rebellion is the Key to Growing Your Business & Impact

Yes! I’m ready to rebel!

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