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Finding Your 3 Word Rebellion with Book Coach Jennie Nash

I know you shouldn’t have a favorite episode of your podcast. It’s a bit like having a favorite child or favorite cat. It just shouldn’t be done.

This interview is my favorite interview I’ve ever done for the Rebel Speaker Podcast.

Jennie Nash is a book coach who helped yours truly develop and put words around the 3 Word Rebellion framework.

When Jennie asked if she could come on the pod, and talk through her own 3 Word Rebellion, I said: “hell yes, you can!”

She and I covered so much more than that during this episode. We chatted about:

  • What’s wrong with this book publishing industry and how it should change
  • Why that little orange bestseller flag on Amazon is MEANINGLESS (and what you should really be after)
  • What authors and speakers need a heck of a lot more when they are bringing their ideas to life (this was the genesis of Jennie’s 3 Word Rebellion)
  • Why finding your 3 Word Rebellion is so darn hard
  • What you should create first — the book, the speech or the course
  • Why investing in your idea and your business feels risky and is worth it

Listen in to our conversation (or read it below) and make your impact

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Michelle:          Hello, hello, hello Rebel Speakers. Today, in the Movement Makers Spotlight, I am featuring book coach, Jennie Nash. Because I do believe that a book can start a movement.

She is the founder of the “Author Accelerator”, a strategic book coaching service that offers the sustained editorial support writers need to complete their projects and make a powerful impact on their target audience.

For eight years, writers serious about reaching readers have trusted Jennie to coach their projects from inspiration to publication, landing top New York agents and book deals, with houses such as Scribner, and Simon and Schuster.

And fun fact, Jennie is responsible for helping me develop the 3 Word Rebellion framework. She teased it out of me.

So what we are going to be doing on this show today, is taking her through the 3 Word Rebellion framework, and also, asking a question or two about book writing.

So, welcome Jennie to the Rebel Speaker Podcast!

Jennie:              Thank you, it is so exciting to be here.

Michelle:          Yes. So we are going to do the 3 Word Rebellion questions, and I am so excited to hear more about the movement you are creating with books.

So the first question is, what are you rebelling against?

What Are You Rebelling Against in the Book Publishing Industry?

Jennie:              I am rebelling against the myth that writing a book is as easy as slapping together a few blog posts, or that you can hack your way to a best seller.

I can't stand the programs that promise writers a quick fix or an instant bestseller, or a smooth path to becoming a thought leader, because it is just not that easy.

Michelle:          And something that came up with me when you were talking about that is the whole Amazon Best Seller thing, people are like, “Oh, and I'll get you to be an Amazon Best Seller.”

Jennie:              That's the thing right now, it's a huge thing, and you can slice and dice your way to that, get a little flag … If you go look on Amazon, there is a little Bestseller orange flag, and it's not that hard to get.

You think you have to sell a hundred books or something, and people go around saying “I'm a bestseller.” We de-valued what it actually means to have an impact.

Best Seller used to be a sort of shorthand term for a book that had an impact, and now it's sort of something else entirely.

It's like you hacked your way to getting the little orange flag and it makes me crazy. Because if you listen to authors, literally no one is not a best seller anymore. Right?

I am rebelling against this whole idea that it is easy, that it's fast, that it's hackable, it's not.

Writing a book that moves people, that impacts people, causes action to be taken, is not simple, it's not easy. It's something that must be intentionally crafted, which means, writers need support, and that's where I stand, is that I offer that support. Especially at the beginning of the process.

Michelle:          There are so many interesting things that I see that you are rebelling against.

Yes, the Amazon orange flag. I know when I did my last book Speak for Impact, which was something I did on Tara Gentile's CreativeLive course on publishing a book in five days.

Jennie:              Yeah!

Michelle:          Which was great and it took me a month to do it, and I think I sold 140 copies to get the little Bestseller flag next to the book. It wasn't a ton of copies, and it was some of the people who follow me and my friends who bought the book.

Jennie:              And the thing to think about here, people always ask me, “Does that mean that you are against NaNoWriMo?”, which is National Novel Writing Month, for example, where people write 55000 words in a month, and it's a wonderful writing community and very inspirational.

Am I against the fact that Amazon gives you that little flag? Of course not, the answer is of course I am not against those things.

Anything that helps a writer do their work or get inspired or learn their craft is a good thing. I just believe you have to be intentional, you have to understand what the process is really about, and what you are trying to do with this book.

Just slapping something together is not going to have the impact that you want in the world.

There are no more unhappy people in publishing than already published writers who didn't do their work well.

Let me say that in a different way. The most disgruntled people are those who didn't take the time to develop their idea.  What I always say is, just because you can write a book now… anybody can write a book now and publish it tomorrow, it doesn't mean that you should.

That's one of my battle cries. I know you say they are not supposed to be negative, but just because you can write a book doesn't mean you should.

Michelle:          The reflection point that I have for you, is it's about going in with this intention of making an impact, and selling 140 books isn't actually making an impact.

It's selling 140 books, it's not like you've become this international sensation, and you are not on the New York Times.  

For me, Amazon Best Seller status is kind of like TEDx.  Almost anybody can do a TEDx, it's not as exclusive as doing the TED event itself.  

Now, if you can self publish and get on the Wall Street Journal Top Best Sellers, now, that means something.

What is Your Goal for Writing Your Book?

Jennie:              What we are talking about here is intention and what your goal is for why you want to write a book in the first place. That's a step a lot of people just skip over.

We have this idea of what it means to be a writer, what it means to have a book in the world, and it's a very romantic idea, right? I am among these people, so I am not disparaging the dream, because I have published eight books.

Every single time the book has come out, I have thought that I am going to be on Oprah. I just have. And then when it doesn't happen, I am sort of shocked. Why didn't she call?

[Tweet “We all want to have an impact, that's what writing a book is about.”]

The kind of book that I help people write. Let's just put aside the fact that there are a lot of reasons to write a book that might have to do with therapy or feeling better about your life, or understanding something in your life, or preserving something for your family's legacy, there's lots of reasons to write a book.

The kind of people that I am helping are the people that want to have an impact.

And you're right, just selling 140 copies to your friends and family is not what that means.

I always talk about that the reader closes the loop for a writer. The writer has got something they want to say, a message, a voice, something they want to put in the world, and the reader closes the loop.

So you need the reader, you need that impact, and that's what people want. That's what I help them get. The intentionality around that is what is so missing.

Here is just a simple story. I am working with a client right now who works in the girl empowerment space, so teenage girl empowerment space, and it's the digital media, digital literacy, media literacy, all these ideas that the way the MeToo movement is impacting young women, all these ideas, and she has this company that does this work and she feels called to write a book.

I have been working with her for six weeks, just around what exactly is the message. Who exactly is the audience? It's not enough to say “Teenage girls!” That's not an audience, I don't know what that is.

Who needs this? Why did they need that? Why are you the one to give it to them? What is it that they need? What are you going to give? What are you going to leave out?

When you write a speech, we were chit chatting about this before, if you go from a book to a speech, you got to cut a lot out. If you go from everything that's in your head to a book, you have got to cut a lot out.

So the intentionality, working with this client over these weeks is, who is it for? What is that message? What does it mean? Why do you want to be in the world with that? How are you going to be in the world with that? Who’s going to read it? How are you going to connect it to your reader? All of those questions. It's a good, rich, deep work, but it is not fast.

Michelle:          No. No it is not, it is not fast, it's not simple. It's not easy.

Jennie:              No, why would anybody do this, actually?

Michelle:          I know, I am like, wow, okay. What am I thinking writing a book?

How Author & Speaker is a Clear Path to Thought Leader

Jennie:              But actually, that's not a bad question, because just like with your work, being a speech maker, being a book writer, absolutely can elevate you to a thought leader. It happens every day, and it's one of the … I wouldn't say easiest, because that's what we are talking against, but it's a clear path to having people pay attention to you, to have a book or to have speech. It just is.

There is something very magic about being the one on the stage or being one with your name on the cover of the book. I mean, it elevates you, it just does.

What Change Do You Want to Create in Your Industry?

Michelle:          So tell me, what change would you want to create.

We've talked about what you are rebelling against, what do you want to create?

Jennie:              I want to create an environment where writers have access to high quality professional guidance.

The way that traditional publishing used to work, what writers used to get back in the day. And way back in the day, like the Hemingway, Fitzgerald day with Maxwell Perkins.

Careers were nurtured, writers would come into a publishing house, and it was the writer they were investing in. Over time.

You can read letters between writers like Maurice Sendak and one of his editors named Ursula Nordstrom.  Sendak is the children's book author who wrote “Where the Wild Things Are.

These writers were nurtured by these editors over years. Nurtured is the best word I can come up with: they were supported, they were guided, they were given money, but they were also given feedback and encouragement and guidance.  Back then everybody understood that this over time nurturing is best way creativity could thrive.

I want to bring some of that back for people. The sense, before they are finished, they can have this nurturing, they can have this guidance, they can have somebody in it with them.

In my one-on-one coaching work, I always say I am down in the muck with people. Down in that creative muck where there is doubt and they are not confident and they are not sure, and maybe they're going to try this out, and then maybe we're going to throw away 20 pages or 50 pages, or 300 pages, but that's okay because that's the process.

I want to create a world where people have that … I mean, really, it's a safe space to nurture creativity. It's a safe space to bring ideas to life. It doesn't have to be fast or instant or a million sellers right from the start, that there's a space.

So I operate in the space, there's a line in the sand, once you are finished with a book and you are ready to bring it into the world, you have to produce it, you have to distribute it, and you have to market it.

And so much of publishing now is focused on that side. The producing, publishing, distributing side.

The side I am on, which is the development side, the writing it side, is totally phased out and forgotten. People don't think they need it, they don't think they should invest in it.

They don't even know that it exists, so a huge part of what I do is educating people. That it still exists.

We don't have that publishing model anymore but you can give that to yourself. You can invest in that yourself.

Michelle:          I love this whole thing, that you are giving around guidance, support, and nurturing. Because I see some of the same things in speaking.

I feel like I am talking to myself right now, people want to skip to the marketing and the pitching, when they haven't done the groundwork of writing the speech, figuring out who the audience is, and being in that creative mess.

Because that's what I develop with my clients,. too, getting down and dirty with their message, to figure out what it is.

Jennie:              We are doing exactly the same thing, and the world doesn't like it in some way.

You are right, the biggest mistake I see writers make is rushing the process at every stage.

They rush to start, they rush in the middle. As soon as they have a rough draft, they think they are done. So they rush to publish and those are the writers … That is what I was saying before, badly. Those are the writers that are frustrated and think that the system is rigged, and think that you have to know someone to sell a book.

They have all the complaints because they have just rushed every part of the process.

I had a guy come to me, it was before Thanksgiving of last year, let's call it October. And he wanted to hire me, he was perfectly willing to pay my prices, which are high, and he said “I am ready to start this book and I want to publish it for Christmas.”

That was seven weeks from when he contacted me and I said “That's not what I do. No thank you.” He was there with his money, but it was like, that's crazy, you're crazy, I don't want to have anything to do with you or that project, because it's not going to work. I don't care who you are.

You can hear a story … I am turning to look at my bookshelf to see if I can pick a writer. You can hear a famous writer, whoever famous writer is, who has said they wrote a book in eight weeks in a flash of brilliance. That story is out there, that happens.

But I can almost guarantee it's not going to happen to you, whoever you are. If it was, it probably already would have happened to you. That sort of flash of brilliance thing.

The rest of us just have to make our way through. Those of us who are not touched by the hand of God in that way. Or some ideas do come fully baked or fully formed, but really, you should tell yourself that yours is not that idea.

Michelle:          Absolutely. I know that is what I am struggling with, with my book as well. Oh, I thought this was fully baked, and no, I need to do some more research and slow down and really be a good steward of the book.

And I do think it is that writers aren't nurtured anymore. There's not that salon where they can share ideas and talk through things and have an editor who is super supportive, so I love the vision that you are creating.

Jennie:              And another place where people encounter a lot of damage is writers groups, because writers groups tend to have a lot of jealousy and envy.

Often times one person in the group sort of hits on a win before the rest of them. They put each other down, and I know this happens in writers groups because I see the fallout all the time.

When people come to me or come to my book coaches and they say things like, “My writers group loves it.” Or the opposite, “My writers group thinks it's terrible and I'm making some mistake and I should totally change the structure around.” Or whatever their thing is. Often times, there's no why behind those opinions that the writers have been given. The whole idea of nurturing and supporting is just completely absent in that feedback.

I operate on the model that Ed Catmull delineates so beautifully in his book “Creativity Inc.” It's all about the starting of Pixar.

He was one of the two people who started Pixar, and he talks about the brain trust at Pixar, and how the brain trust nurtures movies.  He tells this amazing story in “Creativity Inc.” about Toy Story, and how the character, Woody, started out as this sort of nasally, irritating, weak, dumb little cowboy toy.

And then how did he turn out to be this heroic, fully 3-D character who makes us cry? How do you go from that cardboard cutout to that kind of character?

And what the brain trust does is nurture the idea and they don't bash the idea, they look at it with logic, they look at it with strategy, and we are talking here about a story, but with a non-fiction book, it's absolutely all the same thing, to nurture.

What is that writer's vision? How can we bring that vision to life? What's not translating between the writer's head and the page? How can we make that idea the best that it can be?

It's that process that has gotten squeezed out of publishing that I am putting a flag in the ground for. The process of sustained nurturing over time, to help people's ideas become fully baked.

Why We Need to Nurture Our Idea

Michelle:          I know you were looking for your 3 Word Rebellion, and you hadn't quite landed on it. It's something about nurturing, right?

That is a big theme for you. Nurture your idea, nurture your writing, it's something around that, because it's the one word you have been saying a billion times over.

Jennie:              Right, I know.

Michelle:          I think that's the transformation you really want to create for your writers. So, for me when you're like “Nurture your ideas, nurture your writing.” Yeah.  That to me is the essence of what you want to be creating in this world.

Jennie:              Yes! The tagline that we use at Author Accelerator is, “This time, you will finish your book and you will finish strong.”

With the idea being that even with that sustained support and nurturing, most people don't finish, right? They start a book and they don't finish because it's hard, or they get stuck, or they get confused.

Michelle:          And they don't have anyone to talk to.

Jennie:              Right, or they get shot down or they lose their confidence or they lose their faith, which is a thing that happens to every writer, because how could it not when you are working on a project over a year, or two years. Of course, you are going to lose faith and have doubt, and they don't know that that is normal.

So they get stuck and they don't even finish, and the reason they don't finish is the same reason they don't finish strong, which is they don't start strong. So it's all about, get that nurturing and support and guidance so you will finish and finish strong.  

I use the analogy all the time about building a house and you have to build a strong foundation if you want your house to stand up. What we were talking about earlier, writers just want to skip to picking paint colors and the furniture, which is super fun.

Pouring concrete is not so much fun, and figuring out what shape that house is going to be, that's the work, and that's where writers need the support.

The Creative Process of Finding a 3 Word Rebellion

Michelle:          And I am thinking another possible one, because a 3 Word Rebellion can be between two to five words, have a little flexibility in this framework. But something along the lines, nurture to finish strong. That could almost be the mantra for your company, like, nurture to finish strong, nurture to finish.

Jennie:              I love it. Support to finish strong. I'm thinking of alliteration, right.

Michelle:          Yeah, support to finish strong. Something along those lines, because I think, as you have been talking through, I am like, oh yeah, that is in the essence that she's getting to.

Why Finding a 3 Word Rebellion is Hard

Jennie:              Well, what is so great about what you do and what you are doing with the 3 Word Rebellion is…

You know, I've been a book coach for nine years, and I have a company with 26 book coaches that work for me. I am doing the thing, right? I am running a business, it's going very well.

Things are cooking, it's all good, and if you were to say to me, “Can you answer all of these questions on your 3 Word Rebellion worksheet?”, I would say, well yeah, duh, that's why I am doing well, because I know all this, I've done all this work.

But the fact of the matter is that once you actually get down to do it, it's really hard. And that's the point I'm making and what you're making, we are showing it right now.

I should be a person that could give a three word rebellion in a heartbeat. I've got taglines, I've got mission statements, I know exactly what I am doing, I know who I say no to, I know all the things, but to boil it down the way that you push people to boil it down, it's hard.

It's hard and your core belief, which I know we share, is you really can't do it by yourself.

Michelle:          No, and I think that's the thing. I wouldn't have come up with the 3 Word Rebellion if it wasn't for you.

Because it was all sitting there, and you were able to just take the pieces and put them together. Oh yeah. This is my thing. This is what I want to be known for, it's what I want to talk about, it's what I want to give people, so they can be clearer with their message, and get out there and do the work they want to do. I would have never gotten there without you.

Jennie:              Which is hilarious because the name of your company has Rebel in it. I mean, that's hilarious.

I think that doing creative work of any kind, it's very hard to get out of your own head and see how that idea is going impact out in the world, and that's what a really good support professional is going to do.

Someone who is like you, somebody like me, a really good P.R. person is going to do that, to help you craft what is your message, a really good brand person. All of these professional helpers about that same idea of, how do you distill it down.

And your question about what would the world look like if people had to nurture? Well, ask me the question!

[Tweet “It's very hard to get out of your own head and see how that idea is going to impact people out in the world”]

What Would the World Look Like if We Nurtured Our Ideas

Michelle:          Yeah, what would the world look like if people had nurturing? That's my next question.

Jennie:              That's the thing that I would just love to see authors taking the time to do it right, and taking the time to honor their idea, and to respect their idea, and respect themselves through this process, and to avoid all that quick rush to print frustration that just causes so much angst and unhappiness.

So in my world, writers believe that they are worthy of nurturing and they have the time to do it and the industry supports writers that have done that. I think that that would be a lovely world.

Michelle:          I think it would too. I have one final question since I have you here. And this is something that you and I have talked about before.

What comes first, the speech, the book, the course?

Jennie:              Right, that's like the chicken and the egg question.

So what's really fun, we should probably do a webinar or something on this because it's really fun.

You know that funny saying if you go to a surgeon, they're going to prescribe surgery, and if you go to a therapist, they're going to prescribe therapy.

You know, if somebody comes to you, you are going to say “Well, let's do the speech first.” And if they come to me, I'm going to say “Let's do the book first.”

And if they go to a course curriculum development person, they are going to say “Let's do the course first.”

Really, I think the answer there is, you can get to where you need to go, through any one of these doorways. I don't think there is a right way.

Often times, I have a lot of clients, I am sure you do as well, that want all three things. They come to me and they want a book and they want a course and they want a speech, because a speech making career is how writers make money. You don't make money from the book.


You make money from being in the world as a thought leader, doing the workshops, doing the coaching, doing the training…

I mean, you look at someone like Susan Cain, the author of “Quiet”, or Brene Brown, the author of “All the Things”, these women now have incredible businesses around training other people in their ideas and how to do the work that they have in their books.

Usually people want all the things, and so if they come to me, and they are asking that question, “Well, what should I do first?” It doesn't matter, I think it is whatever they are called to do first.

I think people are called to any one of these pillars for different reasons. For giving a speech is a thing people ultimately want to be able to do, but it is also quite terrifying for a lot of people. They say one of the biggest fears is standing in front of people.

So they have to get over that hurdle, so I would imagine the people who come to you are either ready to confront that hurdle or they don't have it.

And same for the people who come to me, if they are coming with a book first, it's usually because in their youth or early in their life, they wanted to be a writer. They have thought about being a writer, they thought they would be cool, it's kind of been a thing nagging at them for a long time, and that's a thing that they could do. They feel called to that.

I think the same could be true with developing a course or curriculum. You can get into this pathway through any one of those processes.

But the thing that is important to say is that, the more work you do on the one, the easier it will be to do the others. But they are not the same thing. At all.

Michelle:          No. They aren’t the same thing!

It's funny, I had a consult a couple of weeks ago, and she asked me, “Should I do a speech or should I do a book?” She had been doing a ton of writing. She had a ton of writing at her disposal.

It seems to me that since you have created all of this writing so far, I would say do the book first, because you have a body of work that you are working with and then you can call it down into a speech.

We were talking before we started recording about how it really depends on the way you best work. If you are the type of person who it's easier for you to expand, then start with a speech, because it's going to be much smaller. But if you are a type of person whose it's easy to take what you have created and then narrow it down, then do the book first.

Jennie:              Right. Right. It's very interesting how those things all fit together. I was working with a new client who comes from a Fortune 100 company business leadership, and has very strong ideas.  She was very called to write a book and she wanted to write a memoir.

She could have written a leadership guidebook type of thing, or a how-to, self help. But she was really called to write her story and her memoir, which is why she ended up with me.

But in the work that we did, the nurturing of the idea work, we had to think through, okay, what will that book look like?

That would be your second book, or your third book, if you are going to write a memoir first.  How are you going to be doing these speeches and workshops and all this, you know, have a whole business around this idea, what's the book going to look like, that is the how-to book.

Let's think about that while we are thinking about what's in the memoir. And let's think about what that course is going to be. And can we bake in some of the same concepts or ideas to the memoir, so that they're aligned.

So we think about all of those things, knowing that once she gets to writing the how-to book, that's going to be a different entity and a different thing, and it's going to take that same amount of discernment.

And then when she goes to do the speech, she's still going to need to do what you do with people. She's still going to need to say, “Okay, I have the memoir, I have the self help book, I have the class from the self help book. What's my speech?

What are my three points? What is my 3 Word Rebellion? What stories do I tie up. Millions of stories in the book, which three do I tell?”

Michelle:          And making sure that the speech actually leads to the book or to the course or to the workshop, because it is this very strategic piece.

The speeches, even though I hate funnels, if you see the speech as the top of the funnel.

Or one of my past guests on the show, he's described it, it's the appetizer for your business, so it initially attracts people in and so you have to be thinking, how does everything fit together? That's a strategic spot that I don't think you can do on your own either.

Why Investing in Working with a Coach Feels Risky!

Jennie:              Absolutely not, and it's so interesting because the further I go in as business owner, my own self, I was really influenced by Jen Sincero's book “You Are A Badass” and “You Are A Badass At Making Money”.

It has a message that is so powerful about spending money at the level you are asking people to pay your own self. In other words, my one-on-one book coaching prices are very high. I think they are very high. And I sometimes would say “I would never spend that much money.” Her teaching is that you should spend that much money so that you can see what it feels like, and see what it's like to ask for help, and see what it feels like.

And the most interesting thing has happened to me since I started practicing that. I recently hired a business strategist person to help me with some branding, identity things around growing businesses.

When I chose someone and I did all my homework.  I interviewed and I picked her, and then I learned … It was a lot of money, it was equivalent to what people would pay me, and it was just really interesting watching that process of making that decision in my own self, and how scary it is to invest money in a professional guide. You don't know if it's going to work, there's no guarantee.

Michelle:          No.

Jennie:              The particular package that I chose is actually a one day package, you buy this person for the whole day, it's very expensive, but it was like, that sounded so cool to me.

Just going through that experience, but the thing that was so fascinating to me, is once I said yes to her and we got into the whole realm, I learned a lot of the people she has worked with are these people you and I have mentioned, these very prominent business people who we see with these big businesses and these big brands and these big ideas.

Well guess what? They had a lot of help to get there.

If they did a TED Talk that has two million viewers, they probably had a speech writer.

If they wrote a book that has millions of copies sold, they probably had somebody nurturing them along the way, whether that was an editor at a publishing house or before they got there.

If they've got courses, they had course curriculum help.

Why would we think that one person would be able to do all these things? And it turns out that they don't. They don't.

And that is such a revelation to me, because we look at someone like a Brene Brown or a Susan Cain whose got that big brand, big thing, and we think “Oh, they just got lucky or just did that.”

No, they invested in that, they honored their ideas, they invested energy and time and money, and found experts to help them. It's such a revelation to me.

Michelle:          No, I mean, I am the same way. I am always the big believer in coaching and getting help, I do that all the time.

I mean, for a lot of people, for my clients, they walk away and go “Man, I got a speech and I also got clarity on what my core message is and I have all these talking points I can use on podcasts, and I have a hashtag for social media.” And it's like and, and, and. “Oh my gosh, I am getting so much more than a speech.”

They would have never gotten there on their own. I feel like I should title this podcast interview “Nurture Yourself Already!” Just get help.

Jennie:              The reason it is interesting, because you pulled that idea, and I wrote it down, nurture your idea, and it's interesting because I love that.

When I look at that and I think about what I do, I think yeah, that's exactly what I do. Nurture your idea, give it time and space, give it respect, honor it.

That's so good, but I worry that nurture sounds so super touchy-feely. It sounds like going to the spa. Maybe that's not a bad idea.

What I think of what I do, I am pretty tough.

Just like you are, you push, even in your download that people can do, the worksheet around the 3 Word Rebellion, you push pretty hard.

It's got to be three words. Maybe it could be five words, but it's not ten words and write on this for 15 minutes, don't write on this for half an hour, and this can't be a negative … You are pushing hard because you are tough, because you know what it needs, and I am really tough and the push-back that I give to people to get their idea to become the best it can be, it's very tough. And that's the reason why I hesitate around ‘nurture'.

I'm going to be thinking about this a while, I'm going to let it percolate, I'm going to test it out with people and see what their response is. That's a process that's got to happen.

Michelle:          And I also think, you have to think of your 3 Word Rebellion as the endpoint. So you might begin with nurture your ideas, because I think there are some people, like that feels so good to me. There is some care and compassion in that, which is nice, but it's also the endpoint of the conversation.

Because at the end of the day, you want to create a space where people are nurturing their ideas. They are growing them, they are feeling taken care of and taking that time. So there is that luxurious feeling around it. Sit with it and you will have to let us know.

Jennie:              I know, but it's so great because it's just proof that even for somebody who is so clear on what I do and what my value proposition is and who I do it for, I am so clear about that. It's still hard to do this, and you still need to take the time to do it. It's great, it's a great proof of that.

Michelle:          Awesome, well tell everyone where they can find you online.

Jennie:              I have a fantastic offer that is an evergreen offer at

So it is It’s a six day writing challenge, where I give you the first week of my Blueprint For a Book Program, which is a program that I use to nurture people's ideas, and it's usually a six week process. And you get week one, and you can go in there and see what prompts are, what the lessons are, what we do to help people start thinking about their idea. Start laying a foundation. What really is this?

It comes delivered by email and you get videos, there's lessons, there's exercises, and you can get a sense of what it would be like to be guided in this way. People can also fine me at I exist there as well.

Michelle:          Awesome, and I do highly recommend if you are interested in writing a book, to take Jennie up on that offer, because it will give you some strategic thinking behind your book and you can nurture your idea.

Thank you so much Jennie for being on the Rebel Speaker Podcast.

Jennie:              It's been so much fun and it's so awesome to have been a part of your growing and developing of your idea, which I think is just brilliant and necessary and needed.

Michelle:          Thank you.

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