Make Marketing Suck Less

The One Essential Ingredient Your Business Needs to Influence Millions

Businesses who make the greatest impact, who influence thousands, if not millions of people and make a great income, have one thing figured out.

It's the one thing that is associated with their name and how they serve the world. Without it, it is difficult to rise up, make the impact that you want to make, and be that influencer or thought leader (or as I like to think of you, that Rebel Riser who impacts thousands.

What is that one thing that one essential ingredient to influencing millions?

It's your message.

I believe your message is like the red-headed stepchild (sorry to all my redheads out there) that nobody wants to talk about.

All the online courses that teach you how to pitch the media book speaking gigs, how to write copy or have a five-figure webinar, all assume that you have nailed your message.

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Heck, even I glossed over the importance of having a message in episode 119 where I talk about your vision and finding your role model of possibility. I said that one of the commonalities between my two role models of possibility is that they had a clear message. Then I flippantly said, “Well, I have the 3 Word Rebellion, so I guess that's handled.”

I skipped right over the years of struggle and frustration that it took for me to develop my own message.

Here's the deal. I want you to have your own 3 Word Rebellion. I am passionate about you making an impact. I want your message to reach your audience and I want your words to change people.

Most of all, I want you to have a message that you are known for that is associated with your name.

Think about it for a minute. Tim Ferriss has the four-hour work week. Marie Forleo is known for saying everything is figureoutable. Nike tells us, just do it. Apple wants us to think different.

These messages got these businesses and people known for the difference they want to make in the world. It's the change that they are promoting that is worth spreading. It is worth people knowing about.

For the most part, the bigger message that these people and brands are touting is pretty disconnected from what they sell.

Nike wants you to go out there, take action, and just do it. Do whatever it is you want to do and if you're wearing their shoes all the better.

Apple wants you to think differently and they hope that while you're creating, you're doing it on a MacBook Pro.

The idea here is to associate a change, a bigger message with your name. That gets people curious about your work. It's what gets you know.

Yet most people skip over the whole importance of a message when telling you how to be successful, and I say no more to that.

Your message is the core of your platform. It's why people want to follow you. It's why they want to do business with you. It's why I made messaging one of the pillars of being a rebel on the rise because it's the engine that makes our business go and gets us on the path to making a difference.

Now, don't get me wrong, you can attain a certain level of success and run a successful business without having a well-defined message that calls in your people.

If you want to take your success to that next level where you are making a bigger difference, where you are seen as that thought leader, that influencer, that disrupter in your industry.

If you want to be that rebel on the rise and create impact and income, you must have your message.

Would anyone know of Simon Sinek if it weren't for Start with Why or Sally Hogshead if it weren't for Fascinate?


Your message – or as I call it, your 3 Word Rebellion – call in your audience and clients. It communicates the value your business creates every single day. It also gives the media a reason to give a crap about you and the work that you do. It's what gets people curious.

It's what gets you booked on that podcast or land that big speaking gig.

Essentially, your message is what people talk about. I get it more than anyone that finding your message or 3 Word Rebellion that you want to be known for is tough.

One of the best coaches I know – Todd Herman, the creator of the 90-day year and he's like a gazillion figure entrepreneur – told me once that your message is the hardest thing you'll ever come up with in your business because it is everything.

It is what you say every single day when you show up and talk about your business, so let's get you out of the stuckness of finding your message and get you on that path, on that journey to creating a message that matters to you and your audience.

So how you are going to go about this is a couple of different mindset shifts:

Believe Your Message Exists

One of the most woo-woo things that I believe in my business is that your message already exists.

It's lurking in the body of work that you've already created. It's lurking in the books you've written, the podcasts interviews you've been on.

It's hiding out in plain sight. It's just waiting for you to find it.

I have a staunch conviction that your message already exists, that this is the reason why I have a hundred percent success rate in helping my clients find their core message. Although they've been hunting for it for years, I am able to see it, to know that it exists and an earth it or excavated from that body of work.

Believe that your message exists and then do something. It's time to take action.

Start Now

It is so easy to think you can put your message off to someday. You know someday when you have all of the clients and a huge waiting list. Someday when you land the big speaking gig. Someday when you have that webinar that brings in all the people to your door. Someday when you have the book deal, you'll work on that message, but those things don't happen without having a message. So start now.

Your first step in starting now is to go grab the 3 Word Rebellion framework.

Your second step is to set aside 30 minutes to do the exercises, to do the writing, to get your ideas out onto paper, and see what's there.

The final step is to do the analysis and follow the creative constraints and start playing with and experimenting with what your message can be.

If all else fails, find a friend or get help, but know that starting and now is the key.

It Doesn't Have to Be Perfect at First

The final mindset shift I want to offer is that your message doesn't have to be perfect at first.

I think when we are first trying to define what we want to be known as, as business owners, as speakers, as thought leaders, we're looking for the perfect message.

Perfection is a myth that keeps us stuck.

For instance, for the first several years of my business, I had a signature service called Speak for Impact. It was a good name. I liked it, but I knew that wasn't my message.

However, I knew it would get me to the message I want to be known for. It would get me to the 3 Word Rebellion.

My message has evolved and it is okay to settle for a message that you're like, “This is good for now.”

This will serve me for a couple of years and then evolve because you will evolve. If you do it right, your message still will live on because people are going to be talking about it.

Your audience then becomes the steward of your message.

If you know your message is the missing piece of your business and you've been frustrated, tired of getting it wrong, and you want me to co-create your message with you, then apply for a chat to discuss with me how we could work together to find your 3 Word Rebellion, map your customer journey, and create all the messages you need to propel you to thought leader and influencer status.

Until next time, your message is what matters most to your business. Your message is that catalyst for the difference you want to make in the world. Find it now and your business and impact will grow.

Create Your One-of-a-Kind Message

Your 3 Word Rebellion is the Key to Growing Your Business & Impact

Yes! I’m ready to rebel!

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