My 4 Step Foolproof Marketing Plan Process (Works Even if You Hate Planning)
Do you have a marketing plan? Or does the thought of planning your marketing suck the life out of you?
Up until now, you’ve been just winging it. Throwing content spaghetti against the wall and hoping something will stick and bring a client in.
Then all of a sudden your realized 127 days have gone by since you last posted on Instagram. It’s been 7-weeks since you wrote a blog post. If you emailed your list, they would reply to your email with “And you are???”
I totally understand. It’s not your fault.
I know you’re blaming yourself because all of these Celebrity Business Coaches have given these simple (937 step marketing plans) for you to follow. You haven’t been following through.
But really they've been overcomplicating marketing for you.
Creating a marketing plan for your business should be simple and it should play to your unique planning strength.
Here is my 4 step foolproof marketing planning process that will work for you especially if you tend to rebel against having a marketing plan!
Table of Contents
Step One: Understand Your Marketing Planning Personality
When I teach my Marketing Uprising workshop, I tell my students that when it comes to planning your marketing you’re either a Scooter, a Kermit, or an Animal.
The online business world was designed for Scooters who love structure, can stick to a plan, theme days are their thing. The downside to being a Scooter is that if you miss a few days, you beat yourself up badly for it and decide all is lost (it’s not don’t do that).
However, most of us aren’t Scooters. We are either Kermits or Animals.
Kermits like a bit of structure but too much structure causes them to rebel. They need room to be spontaneous. They love to respond to things they seem that pisses them or make them excited.
Animals are whirling dervishes of creativity. Animal eats plans for lunch, dinner, and a midnight snack. The best plan for Animal is just a general goal of how much they want to post in a week or month. Then when the Animal energy strikes – go bananas and post. Just have a strategy to get to your goals.
Action Step: Decide on the type of personality you have. Embrace it!
Step Two: Every Marketing Plan Needs to Be Grounded In Goals
No matter your Muppet marketing planning personality style, every marketing plan starts with goals.
Let’s not make this complicated. Every month, I start with just three goals.
- How much money do I want my business to earn?
- How many leads (sales conversations, referrals, sales page views, etc) do I need to generate to make that happen?
- How much does my audience need to grow to get those leads?
If you don’t have any existing data, you might have to guess on the second and third questions, but that is ok!
Action Step: Set Your Marketing Goals
Step Three: Do Less to Get More Results.
My favorite thing that I teach in the Marketing Uprising Workshop is the Rebel One Marketing Method. It’s all about doing less to get better results.
You see the Cult of Celebrity Business Influencers has sold you a lie, my rebel friend. They told you that you need to be everywhere.
You should blog, podcast, and hey be on YouTube too!
Social media. Be on #alltheplatforms.
Sure you hate Facebook. Don’t understand TikTok or Snapchat. But Gary Vee says it's going to be big.
You need to be everywhere, right?
What ends up happening is that you half-ass your marketing. You end up doing none of it well.
I’m for full assing your marketing.
Meet the Rebel One Marketing Method.
Simply pick one type of core piece content (blogging, podcasting, or creating videos) and one main social media squeeze and that feeds your marketing machine for the month.
You decide the frequency you publish your content on your blog or podcast or YouTube page. You decide how often you want to post on your one main social media account and how much you want to email your list!
That’s your marketing! Done!
How do you choose? Well for that answer, you should get on the waitlist for the next live Marketing Uprising Workshop!
Action: What’s your kind of core content you want to create (blog, podcast, or video)? What is your main social media squeeze?
Step Four: Create a Marketing Plan that Fits Your Muppet Marketing Planning Style
The most important step of this is to keep your marketing goals in mind. You want to reach your money goal for the month. To do that you’re going to need to generate leads and grow your audience.
If you’re a Scooter, I highly recommend finding one of the great content calendars that exist for free online. Use that to plan your marketing. Fill it out and stick with. If you miss a few days don’t beat yourself about it!
For Kermits, I suggest having a broad weekly plan that helps you get to your goal. For instance, I am a Kermit. My main social media squeeze is Instagram (hey, if you want,…you can connect with me here) and I am a podcaster (yes, I am aware this is a blog post…I’m working on my SEO).
Here’s what a standard week looks like when I am NOT promoting an offer:
- Monday: post something that helps my people overcome their imposter complex. CTA: Engagement
- Tuesday: Rebel Uprising Podcast Drops. CTA: Listen to pod.
- Wednesday: Promote Rebel Roadmap Quiz CTA: Take Quiz or Engagement post. Send email newsletter promoting podcast.
- Thursday: Remind people to listen to pod.
- Friday: Fun post
And that’s it! Pretty simple.
Now, if you’re an Animal. I recommend creating as much content as possible when your creative energy strikes you. Batch it out. Do not edit when you are not in your Animal energy otherwise you’ll think your work sucks (it doesn’t).
Commit to posting a certain amount of times a month. You’re going to write 2 blog posts a month and post 10 times on Facebook, but just don’t tell people when. Schedules won’t work for you. If you set people’s expectations for your spontaneous nature. They’ll be fine with it!
Action Step: Create a marketing plan for your marketing planning personality type.
Planning your marketing should be fast, flexible and above all else WORK for your business and the way you work.
If you want more help making a marketing plan that connects with your sales process, I’d love to see you in the next Marketing Uprising workshop.
Sign up to get on the waitlist to know when the next Live (virtual) workshop is happening.