Make Marketing Suck Less

How to Know If Your Business is READY for Messaging

But how do you know if your business is ready for brand messaging?

It's time to decided because indecision will suck you dry.

For me, my biggest energy suck is languishing in indecision. I can go down the research rabbit hole until I wear myself out. Then, I usually just decide to put the decision off to a later date, thus repeating the cycle of languishing. 

It feels terrible. I don't want that for myself or for you.

Do you track link clicks in your emails? I've started tracking who clicks the link to check out my pages for a BOLD Messaging session or who peeked at the 3 Word Rebellion Messaging Intensive.

I've spotted some interesting patterns… I see some of the same names, click the link nearly every single time and that just makes me wonder, are they languishing as well?

As business owners, you and I want people to decide if they are going to work with us. 

Helping people to decide whether or not to work with you is an act of service.

It's an act of helping people figure out if they are ready and I mean, really ready to experience your work and the transformation that your offers promise to them.

So, how do you know when someone is ready to work with you? What are the sure-fire signs that they are ready for that work and the transformation?

Here are the five messaging readiness indicators that tell me your business is ready:

  1. You have a proven offer that gets results.
  2. Your marketing is erratic and random.
  3. You spend a lot of time messing with your message.
  4. You want to reach more people with your work.
  5. You know you have a messaging problem, but you can't figure it out on your own.

Listen in to the full episode to dive in more and to know if you are ready to work on your business messaging and I'm doing this as an act of service, but also to model to you how you can do this in your own business.

Tune in or read through the transcript below

Resources mentioned in this episode

My biggest energy suck is languishing in indecision. Whether I'm deciding to make an investment in my business or not, or what kind of external hard drive I should buy for my computer, I can go down the research rabbit hole until I wear myself out. Then the easiest decision to make is to put off making a decision to a later date where I then repeat this terrible cycle of languishing.

It feels terrible. I don't want that for myself or for you.

Recently, I've noticed certain members of my email community are also languishing in indecision. I've started tracking who clicks the link to check out my pages for a BOLD Messaging session or who peeked at the 3 Word Rebellion Messaging Intensive. I've spotted some interesting patterns. I see some of the same names, click the link nearly every single time and that just makes me wonder, are they languishing as well?

As business owners, you and I want people to decide if they are going to work with us. Are they in? Are they out or are they out for now?

Helping people to decide whether or not to work with you is an act of service.

It's an act of helping people figure out if they are ready and I mean, really ready to experience your work and the transformation that your offers promise to them.

So, how do you know when someone is ready to work with you? What are the sure fire signs that they are ready for that work and the transformation?

Well, this is a conversation that I recently had with my coach and my friend, Tara Newman, over at the Bold Money Revolution. It was so helpful for me to think about my own sales process as helping a person make a decision if they're ready or not.

So the purpose of today's podcast is to talk about how to know if you are ready to work on your business messaging and I'm doing this as an act of service, but also to model to you how you can do this in your own business.

So let's talk about readiness. Are you ready? Let's do it.

Since indecision sucks us dry of our energy, the intention of this episode is not to convince you that you're ready to work with me. It's to share the readiness indicators that I've seen my best clients show up to sales conversations with. These are the tell tale signs that yes. Their business is ready to work on their messaging to get more strategic with their marketing. For me, there are five telltale signs.

So the first readiness indicator that you're ready to work on your messaging is you have a proven offer that gets results.

Now proven doesn't mean that my best clients have sold. But loads of an offer or they make seven figures while they sleep, or any of that internet nonsense proven means they've created an offer. Clients went through their system and saw results.

Now here's the thing. Results are both tangible and intangible, so I don't want you to think that you don't have a proven offer if your clients aren't making six figures yet, or they land the gig or whatever the bro marketers tell you results. Look like you want to think about the results that your program offers. Whether it's more confidence or it is that very tangible thing. But if your clients are having a tangible result, that means that you have a proven offer.

So let me give you a few examples. It could be the person who is a one-on-one service provider who gets clients by word of mouth and during their work. With their right fit clients. They really step into their leadership roles and their business. So they have this process that really helps people step into leadership. That's a proven offer. It's a client who sells a mastermind for the very first time and she easily fills it. She sees the work within the mastermind, having a real impact on how people are showing up and running their business.

Or it can be someone who has launched an offer or a program multiple times with great success. They see their clients changing because of this work, but the offer gets harder to sell each time. So to me, that is what having a proven offer is all about. You have something. That works for your clients. Now you want it to reach more people. That's a sign that you're ready to work on, a messaging readiness indicator.

Number two, my clients’ marketing is random and erratic, or they tell me marketing doesn't work for their business.

Tara Newman, who I mentioned at the top of the show once said in one of our bold profit academy calls, she can always tell who the expert business owners are because their marketing sucks.

Here's the thing, there's a reason why when we are an expert or even when we're multi-passionate and we have a lot of tools that we bring to our work, there's a reason why our marketing sucks, it's because you can't communicate clearly, effectively or confidently about what your business does. You don't know how to take someone who just discovered you and get them ready to work with you.

So practically this looks like taking a lot of online courses. This might sound familiar and not implementing them fully because you don't know what to say in the emails or on the webinar or on social media.

Another sign that this might be you is you're building an email list, but you're not really regularly emailing your people. So they sign up and they don't hear from you. Another sign you're in this readiness indicator is panic posting, and that is the, oh shit I haven't posted on LinkedIn for three weeks. Maybe I should say something and then you whip something out and you put it out there and there's really no strategy behind it.

And speaking of lack, Of strategy behind marketing. I see quite a lot of random acts of marketing you're posting regularly, but nothing is really happening. It's not getting you the clients you want.

You're not making the connections you want to make growing your audience. You're not getting on the podcasts you want because your strategy isn't right there. It's rather random. You're not connecting what you sell to what you're saying in your marketing. Or another sign of this is relying solely on word of mouth and referrals to run your business.

This readiness indicator is so common. I see this in almost everyone of my clients. They want to be marketing more consistently, but they just don't know what to say. Or how do you even measure if their marketing is effective? All right.

So readiness indicator number three, you spend a lot of time messing with your message.

All of my clients have this in common. They have spent months, if not years, thinking about and messing around with what their message should be. They've tried different angles for a short period of time and didn't get any traction. They spent a lot of time, uh, wondering what they should email their list about or what they should post on social media, which then leads us to the panic posting and the random acts of marketing we talked about in the readiness indicator number two.

They spend an inordinate amount of time tweaking their copy. They're always tweaking their sales page or tweaking their home page or tweaking their about page. Their website copy is never done because the message isn't right. And here's the deal. All of these people are. Way too close to their message, way too close to the work they do, to see their brilliance, to see what's truly important to their clients.

In fact, that's what I hear most in sales conversations. People tell me I should be able to figure this messaging thing out. On my own. I do it for other people. Why can't I do this for myself? So if you see yourself in any of these, or you have said, I should be able to figure this out on my own, it can mean that you are ready to work on your messaging.

And another piece of this is they hired people who they thought would give them clarity on their message. So they've typically worked with business coaches or copywriters. They've been high price masterminds or hired marketing coaches or done courses as much as I want to save them from these investments because they were not ready to make these investments.

Sometimes all that messing around is necessary to get you clear on who you serve and what you stand for and what you don't before you engage in messaging work. It's good to have a little bit of experimentation. And, you know, sometimes people realize early on that they need this help too.

Readiness indicator number four, they want to reach more people through their ideas and their body of work. 

Most of my clients are looking to get in front of more people. Maybe not a million people, although some of my clients are, they just know. So if you just know that you could be reaching more people with your work, then you are ready to do the work of messaging. The other sign that goes along with this is there's usually a bigger piece of thought leadership in them.

Like they have a book they want to write, or maybe they're already writing the proposal. They want to be speaking on stages, live and virtual. They want to be guests on podcasts. They want to be in the media. Most of them very much want to start their own podcast or blog or video show, but they want to do it right.

And with intention and knowing that it's going to grow there. Business. So if you're feeling that you need to reach more people and like your work deserves to be seen by more of the right people and you do have that inkling that there's something more you want to put out in the world. Messaging might be the right next step for you.

And finally readiness indicator, number five, they know they have a messaging problem and they can't figure it out on their own.

Now this might seem like a totally captain obvious readiness indicator to you, but I've been in business for quite some time. And I've had enough sales conversations with people who don't see their messaging as a problem.

Or they think they can solve it on their own, even though they've already gone through, you know, five different courses and a few different coaches, if you don't see that you have a messaging problem or that. You need someone to help you with your messaging, then you're not ready. And I am not in the business to convince anyone to see what I see.

And while yes, I've got 25 years of experience and a PhD. I can't convince people to see a problem that they're not willing to see. And also I can't convince people that they need my help. Part of the education that I do is helping people see like, okay, do you need messaging work? And are you ready for it?

Am I the right person for you? Because I might not be like that, we might get on a call and we just don't click. And that is cool. But the important part is that you and I don't want to convince people to work with us. So having them. Realize that yes, they have a messaging problem and they're not going to figure it out on their own.

They need that in order to be ready. And if they don't see it, they're not ready. And remember that goes for your business too. If your potential client doesn't see the problem you solve, as something they identify with, you can't convince them of that on a sales call, uh, nor should you try. And in fact, I would say.

You might want to think about what your readiness indicators are. So that's the big five readiness indicators so that, you know, if your business is ready to tackle messaging so that you can use that messaging in your marketing and your sales and your copy. So once again, Those big five readiness indicators.

They are, you have a proven offer that gets results. You're committing random acts of marketing, being erratic with your marketing, relying on word of mouth. You've invested a lot of time, energy or money messing around with your message. And you want to reach more people with your ideas and your thought leadership.

And finally, uh, you know, that your message is a problem. And it's preventing you from reaching more people and making more sales. And you know, you're not going to figure it out on your own because you've been messing with it for so long. So if you're nodding your head to at least four of these, you could be ready to work with me in the 3 Word Rebellion messaging intensive.

This program helps you powerfully communicate the value your business creates, whether you're marketing to one person. Or a million people you'll leave having, you're a, one of a kind 3 Word Rebellion. You'll know exactly what to say to convert strangers into clients and a marketing strategy that makes implementing your message easy.

So to find out more about the messaging intensive and to request a consultation with me, you can just go to and request a consult and see if where. A fit because I don't want you to be languishing in, in decision. So until next time, ask yourself what makes a client ready to work with you?

When you know that you can stop convincing people to work with you and truly assess whether they are ready. To work with you because our job as salespeople, as business owners is to help people get out of indecision. And I hope this episode helped you with that today. Thank you for listening all the way to the end of the show.

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Remember your ideas matter, and now get back out there and cause an uprising in your industry. You got this.

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