Make Marketing Suck Less

A Question Every Business Owner Should Ask

It is almost the end of the year and that means it is time for business resolution. In today’s episode, I am talking about the top ‘meh’ messages that you need to drown in the sea of sameness.

But before I do that, I want to ask you one crucial question: If a visitor came to your website without its branding in place, no logo, name, tagline, would he or she even recognize it as yours? If the answer is no, that means you are delivering ‘meh’ messages to your audience. 

The realization that you are not recognizable is so frustrating because what you do is unique and nobody does what you do in exactly the same way. You are aware that your work is better, it produces better results than your competitors, but you don't have the message to articulate. 

So what would make people actually stop and take notice? Powerful message!

And how do you start changing that?

The first thing to do is to lose the vague language. Everything is so vague in the online space. Think about how many messages you see about making more money, having more impact, having more time without burnout. People are actually walking away from that kind of messaging. You have to ditch that vague messaging and get specific about the outcome of your work.

The second thing, you have to add nuance. Remember that your clients' problems are personal to them. You need to speak with specifics, with nuance around their problems, so that your clients can see themselves in what you do. 

And finally, create your 3 Word Rebellion. I am here to help you create your own 3 Word Rebellion message that will be unique as your fingerprint, the message that will become synonymous with your name and will set you apart from everyone else who is doing something like you. 

Remember, do not settle for ‘meh’ messaging and wait until next week’s episode, where I will share with you the list of top ‘meh’ messages in online business.

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Here at rebel headquarters, I am gearing up for the grand finale of this years Rebel Uprising Podcast. And this show is reprising something that I did last year, I'm going to be talking about the top ‘meh’ messages that need to drown in the sea of sameness.

But before I do, I wanted to get you ready for that episode by asking you one question. Now this question isn't mine. It came from a book I'm reading, but when I read it, it was the kind of question that shook me. It made me pause, reflect on how well my business is standing out and how else I could be refining my message to be just a little bit more stop the scroll worthy. Want to know what the question is? Then stay tuned for this episode of The Rebel Uprising Podcast to find out.

Here's the question that literally made me get out of bed where I was reading my book, go whip out my phone, and take a look at my own website. Are you ready? Here it is. If a visitor came to your website without its branding in place, no logo, name, tagline, would he or she even recognize it as yours? Let me repeat that fabulous question from Ann Handley, who wrote the book ‘’Everyone writes’’. If a visitor came to your website without its branding in place, no logo, name, tagline, and so on, no pictures of you, would he or she recognize it as yours? Now go to your website, pause, and sit with that question for a couple of minutes. If all of your brandings were gone, your pictures disappear, will the words on your website make people say, Oh yeah, I definitely know that that is yo, it's 100%, it has your signature all over it. Now seriously, pause this recording and take a gander. I'll be right here waiting for you when you get back. 

Now, if you're coming back to the episode and you find yourself shaking your head and thinking, Holy crap, it's really doubtful people would know that this was my business, if all of my branding and pictures and name just disappeared off-site, there's no way people would know. Let me recognize how much that sucks. That realization super sucks because what you do is unique and nobody quite does what you do in exactly the same way.

Nobody has the unique set of strengths that you bring. They don't have the expertise you possess or the experience. Your offers in your business and how you deliver them are unique. They might be a little bit different. And so it sucks, and it is frustrating when you don't have the words to express your impressive capabilities and your ability to get people results and really valuable results.

And it also sucks when you're past over and overlooked. People, you know, who could use your work, who you could really help, decide to work with your competition because they have the shiny marketing that seems to be everywhere in the huge Instagram following and all of the huge email lists that everybody says you need.

That person seems to be everywhere. Meanwhile, you know your work is better, it produces better results. You just don't have the message to articulate. 

What would make people actually stop and take notice? And that's when you get overlooked and ignored and you get passed over for opportunities to share your experience, whether it's speaking or podcasts, interviews, or doing a summit, it doesn't matter, people just aren't seeing you. Oh and that, that's the worst, like that is literally the worst. So how do you start changing that?

The first thing I want you to realize is that you are not alone. Oh my gosh, there is so much ‘meh’ messaging out there, and just wait until you hear about it in next week's episode. And part of the reason there's so much ‘meh’ messaging, is that in as an industry for online businesses, we have relied on bro marketing, which relies on tricks in order to get people to work with us. Right? Like that manipulation, those social triggers. And when we're relying on those shortcuts, it produces very ‘meh’ messaging that sounds like everybody else. But here is what you can start thinking about now in order to change your message and especially so that you know what to do after you hear my tub ‘meh’ messages of 2021.

The first thing to do is to lose the vague language. There, oh my gosh, everything is so vague in the online space. And I don't want to give too much away from next week's episode, but how many messages do you see about making more money, having more impact, having more time without the burnout. So many, they are on almost every single business coach's website, and don't worry, other types of coaches I see you, I see what you're doing too, and you are not immune. So you have to ditch that vague messaging and get radically specific about the outcome of your work. And I'm not talking about results here. I'm talking about what do people actually walk away with when everybody's promising you more impact, more money, more love, whatever it is, can they actually promise these things? No, not at all, but what is it that you are uniquely delivering? It might be a deliverable. It might be an experience too. So think about that. 

And then number two. Add nuance. Your clients are experiencing nuanced problems in their business because most of the messaging out there is like ‘’you are stuck’’. Great, what does that mean? Or ‘’you're not making the money you want to make’’. Well, well, why, like, what's the nuance behind that? Your client's problems are personal to them. Speak with specifics, speak with nuance around their problems so that your people can see themselves in what you do. 

And finally, create your 3 Word Rebellion. I know I've been talking about this for many years now, I guess four years now. And I see that a 3 Word Rebellion can be a struggle to create. That's why I'm here helping people, working with people. But this message is unique as your fingerprint, it is the signature that you are writing all over the internet, all over your website, all over your media appearances. It is the message that it becomes synonymous with your name and it sets you apart from everyone else who is doing something like you. So if you want your 3 Word Rebellion, the best place to start is the book. I highly recommend getting the book. There's a new edition out now. I just updated it with some of my latest thinking around 3 Word Rebellion and how to test them, so you can find your unique signature the way to leave your own mark on your industry. So you can get that book at 3 word rebellion book or Amazon or or Barnes and Noble, Book Depository, it's pretty much everywhere you can get books right now. 

So finally, what I want you to remember is to remember that question that Ann Handley proposes in ‘’Everybody writes’’. If a visitor came to your website without its branding in place, no logo, name, tagline, would he or she recognize it as yours? And if the answer is no, it's time to start working on your message, so you can stand out and bring your uniqueness into the world.

And if you've already had the book and you want my 1-on-1 help, I am always taking clients on a rolling basis. You might have to wait a little bit to work with me, but we can work together in the 3 Word Rebellion Messaging Intensive to get you specific and radically specific to create that nuanced, create that one of a kind message.

So you can check that out and apply for a conversation at That's the

Until next time, remember, do not settle for ‘meh’ messaging and wait till you hear the list put together for you.

Create Your One-of-a-Kind Message

Your 3 Word Rebellion is the Key to Growing Your Business & Impact

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