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Messaging: What Is It and How Do You Know If It’s Working


How do you know if your messaging is working for your business?

Ask yourself a few questions: Are you making the sales you want to make? Are you closing the deals you want to close? When people show up on sales calls, are they ready to work with you? And is the sales conversation just about the fit?

If you answered yes, congratulations! Your messaging is working!

If you answered no, well, you have some more work to do.

And it’s no wonder! The online business world is chock full of confusion about what messaging even is, let alone how it supports your business’s one true job.

Let’s clarify what your business’s job really is (hint: it’s about revenue), how you really know your messaging is working, and what you can absolutely let go of as a test of if it is or not.

In This Episode:

  • Why messaging is more than a sentence, an elevator pitch or your brand voice
  • How messaging builds an argument for your business
  • Why you need messaging before you can have successful marketing

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Dr. Michelle Mazur (00:00): Messaging, how do you know if it's working for your business? The simple answer, are you making the sales you want to make? Are you closing the deals you want to close? When people show up on sales calls, are they ready to work with you, and is that sales conversation just about the fit? If you answered yes, your messaging is working. If you answered no, then it's not. Well, that's all I have for you today. Thanks for listening to the Rebel Uprising podcast. I've been Dr. Michelle Mazur, and I'll see you next week. I'm kidding. I have a lot more to say about this topic, so let's dive in.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (00:56): You're listening to the Rebel Uprising podcast. This podcast is dedicated to helping passionate business owners become recognized leaders who make more money and impact the world by turning their messy, complicated ideas into thriving thought leadership businesses. I'm your host, Dr. Michelle Mazur, and I'll be your no BS guide in the art of building a business that gets noticed. Each week, I share strategies, tools and insights on how to turn your complicated ideas into great messaging and solid business structures. Are you ready to create an uprising in your industry? Let's do this.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (01:38): Before we talk more about this connection between sales and your message, I think something needs to be clarified. Your business has one job, and one job only, and the job of your business is to generate revenue. If your business is no not generating revenue, it is not doing its job. This idea that the business' job is to make money is lost in the online space. It gets conflated with so many other things. Let's face it, we are bombarded with messages about how our business is our baby, a passion, how business is supposed to be fun, create impact, and give us freedom and so on and so on and so on.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (02:36): But all of those things, that's not your business' main job. Sure, it could totally be your business' side hustle. I love the fact that I get to have deep, meaningful conversations with my clients. I get to work in my zone of genius every damn day, but that is not my business' job. Its job is to generate revenue. Its job is to bring in sales.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (03:06): Next week, I'm going to spend more time unraveling this confusion we all share about how to know if your messaging is working and what you can absolutely let go of as a test of is it working or is it not, because there's some things you don't need to care about when it comes to your message working.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (03:33): Let's talk about the connection between your message, its job, and the sales that your business should be generating. What is messaging really? Once again, online business has made messaging so confusing. I've been keeping an informal ally of how people are defining messaging in the online in space, because I feel like it's a very hot topic this year.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (04:03): Here's what I'm seeing. I saw one person in a blog post talk about how important messaging is, how we need it to differentiate us so that we can stand out online, show how we are different. Then she went on to say, "Well, in my program, I believe message is so important I'll spend a whole week on it to get you to your one sentence." One sentence. Yes, that one sentence, I'm sure it's pivotal, I'm sure it'll be helpful, but that's not really what messaging is.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (04:36): I've seen other offers about messaging that were really about offer to development, like nailing your ideal client and who you're talking to, creating your framework, developing the offer, pricing the offer, and then getting some copy or some marketing content, like blog post ideas, to promote the offer. You know what? That's part of messaging, but that's not completely what messaging is. I've also heard it defined as your elevator pitch, your brand voice, defined as copywriting. Although some copywriters can definitely do messaging for you, you should pay those people double because they are unicorns and rare.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (05:19): But if messaging isn't really any of these things, what is it? Messaging, in the way that I work with it and in corporate America, quite frankly, it is a comprehensive strategy about what to say in your content, your marketing and copy that builds an argument for your work and gets people ready to work with you.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (05:48): The job of your message is to persuade. It is to take someone who doesn't know about you at all and lead them, essentially, into making a decision about whether or not to work with you. That is what a message is, or what it should be doing for your business. Your business' job is to generate revenue. Your messages' job is to persuade and to build an argument for why people should work with you.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (06:26): We'll be talking more about this in future episodes, but I wanted to touch on this because there is so much confusion. The bottom line is that messaging, when done well, builds an argument for why people want to work with you. The end, that's what it does. What does it look like when your message is actually working for your sales? Because this should be your guide for figuring out if your message is actually working for you.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (07:03): I have a case study for you and some examples from my own business. My client, Cassie Christopher, is a registered dietician and she works with women over the age of 45 to heal emotional eating. When Cassie and I started working together, she had a ton of leads. Getting people interested in her work wasn't the problem, because she had more leads than she could deal with, but they were, for the most part, people who weren't ready for her work.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (07:35): Cassie and I are still very much in process right now, but she gave me permission to share this clip. We just finished her client decision journey and she went on a podcast interview and started using this new messaging, and then this is what happened next.

Cassie Christopher (07:54): I just did a podcast interview yesterday and before I did it, the gal was like, "Oh, I read your website and I see I have the problem you solve." Then through our conversation, she was so on board and she could see how dieting was the problem and how the framework would work for her, that by the end of it, I ended up booking a sales call with her, had the sales call this morning, like she was ready to go. It was a short, quick one because she already knew everything about what I do and then I just need to get the details to make sure she was a good fit for me. Yeah, 20 minutes, it was the fastest call. She's probably going to buy my most extensive package because she sees the value in my work. I just am super excited to see that come together.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (08:43): Now, this is exactly how it should be when you have a message that is working for you. The content that you put out into the world through your marketing does its job to prepare people for your sales process, and that's what's happening for Cassie. She was interviewed on a podcast, the host bought into the problem she was solving, liked her framework, saw how it could work for her and then scheduled a consultation, and you heard her, it was the easiest one ever. If you want to find out more about Cassie's work, you can always visit her at

Dr. Michelle Mazur (09:29): If you're listening to this podcast and realizing that, "Hey, you know what? I'm not having the sales that I want to have, my business isn't generating the revenue it should be generating," then it might be time for you to work on your message and figure out that comprehensive strategy for how to build that argument for your work and turn people who don't know you at all into people who are ready and willing to sign up to work with you.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (10:07): This is exactly the work we do in the Three Word Rebellion Messaging Intensive. If you're digging this episode and you're thinking, "Yes, this is my next step, or it could be my next step," then I encourage you to go to, the number three, WR, that's, and apply for a consultation call. That way, you and I can discuss if messaging is the right move for your business. Now, back to the show.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (10:46): Now, I've seen this in my own business as well. I was reminded of how my message works for my sales when I was on a consult call last week. This woman signed up for a consult call. She'd read my book, she's been listening to the podcast. Actually, she's been binging the podcast, which I love. She told me that she had sold herself on working with me because of the podcast, because of the book.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (11:18): When we got on that sales conversation, it really was about are we a fit? Can I help her business? Do I see her business the way she sees her business? It was just about alignment. Those are the best sales calls ever because you just get to show up, talk to another person about their business, see if you can help, and then tell them how you help them and it's done and it's over and they sign up and they become a client. It is so amazing when it works that way. That is what you're looking for.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (11:53): Another thing that tells me my message is doing my job is if I'm on a consult with someone and they tell me, "Oh, my business coach has everyone in her program read your book, The Three Word Rebellion," and I'm like, "Interesting." She went on to say, "You make such a great argument for why messaging is so important and why this is such a core foundational thing that I knew I wanted to talk to you." My message, more particularly, the asset of my book, is doing its job of bringing sales into business. That's how you know if it's working, are people prepared to work with you.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (12:41): Here's the deal. If you are getting all the sales you need, you're completely satisfied, everything is running like clockwork in your business, then you probably really don't need messaging because your business is doing its job, your message is doing its job, your copy is doing its job, it's all working together. But if you have an offer that's getting your clients' results and you don't have enough of those clients, then you might want to look at your message and how your message is actually helping generate leads.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (13:17): If you have people showing up for sales conversations completely unprepared about what it is you do or why it's worth hiring you, you might want to check out your message because your content isn't preparing people to work with you. If you're not closing deals, if you get far more nos than yeses, you should look at your message and how you're explaining the process of working with you.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (13:49): Now, next week, I want to talk to you about why there's so much confusion around how to know if your message is working or not. What is interfering with our clarity around this? And yes, we will be busting through some celebrity business coach BS. I will see you next week.

Dr. Michelle Mazur (14:14): Thank you for listening all the way to the end of the show, your support means the world to me. Did you know the Rebel Uprising podcast has a quiz that can help you pinpoint the number one way to build an audience of super fans, while staying true to your unique personality? We do, and it's called What's Your Rebel Roadmap to Exponential Impact and Influence, and you can take it at

Dr. Michelle Mazur (14:37): If you are loving the podcast, do us a favor, rate and leave us a quick five star review wherever you listen to your podcasts. It helps more people like you find the show. Until next week, remember, your ideas matter. Now get back out there and cause an uprising in your industry. You've got this.

Create Your One-of-a-Kind Message

Your 3 Word Rebellion is the Key to Growing Your Business & Impact

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