Make Marketing Suck Less

Communicate the Value of Your Expertise with the 3 Word Rebellion


Do you ever find yourself reading an Instagram post or listening to a podcast, and you're absolutely horrified by the advice being given? You shake your head and you think, “That's not how any of this works!”

I know I've been there, and the reason is because experts can spot BS a mile away. I believe that's one of the reasons why marketing is so hard for you.

The pseudo experts out there who are promising the quick fix, big rewards for little effort, and the easy to follow blueprints make whatever the challenge is seem so simple and easy to solve.

Then an expert looks at it and thinks, “Wow. Yeah. That's not how that works. It's not that simple. It's more nuanced.”

As an expert, you look at those kinds of marketing messages and think, “is this what I really need to say to get people to want to work with me? I just can't say that. It's not right”.

And you're right. That instinct is the correct one.

Your honesty, your integrity is exactly why we need to get your work in front of people. So it's time. It's time to stage a rebellion with your expertise, and I'm going to give you 3 big reasons why.

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In this episode, we discuss:

  • the prevalence of pseudo experts giving erroneous advice in marketing
  • the importance of claiming and communicating expertise
  • the need to stage a rebellion with expertise
  • the necessity of an expert's voice to rise above the noise in the industry
  • communicating and broadcasting expertise to attract the right audience

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Michelle Mazur [00:00:00]: Do you ever find yourself reading an Instagram post or listening to a podcast, and you're absolutely horrified by the advice being given? You shake your head and you think, that's not how any of this works. I know I've been there, and the reason is because experts can spot BS a mile away. I believe that's one of the reasons why marketing is so hard for you. The pseudo experts out there who are promising the quick fix, big rewards for little effort, and the easy to follow blueprints make whatever the challenge is seem so simple and easy to solve. Then an expert looks at it and thinks, wow. Yeah. That's not how that works. It's not that simple.

It's more nuanced. And as an expert, you look at those kinds of marketing messages and just think, is this what I really need to say to get people to want to work with me? I just can't say that. It's not right. And you're right. That instinct is the correct one. Your honesty, your integrity is exactly why we need to get your work in front of people. So it's time. It's time to stage a rebellion with your expertise, and I'm going to give you 3 big reasons why. So let's dive in.

Michelle Mazur [00:01:39]: Welcome to Make Marketing Suck Less. The podcast that knows marketing is freaking hard, especially when you're a solo business owner trying to juggle it all. I'm your host, Dr. Michelle Mazur, author of the 3 Word Rebellion and founder of the Expert Up Club. Forget the latest marketing fads and tactics promising social media stardom. I'm here with research-backed strategies to help you clarify your message and get twice as effective with your marketing. And while I can't promise you'll ever love marketing, I'm here. to make you hate it a tiny bit less.

Michelle Mazur [00:02:26]: Claiming your expertise is an act of rebellion. I've said it before, and it is a hill that I will die on. In this day and age where we're so mistrusting of people who know their shit and people pay more attention to the voices of people who've done it for themselves as if personal experience trumps real life expertise, applied expertise. So, yes, claiming your expertise is an act of rebellion. And before anyone else can value your expertise, you've got to value it yourself. And we've talked on the podcast in previous episodes how easy it is to devalue what comes so naturally to you. But once you claim your expertise, it's time to communicate it to the people who need it. And that means, experts, it's time to stage a rebellion to identify the hill you'll die on and create your own rebellion, preferably a rebellion in just three words, but more on that towards the end of the podcast.

Michelle Mazur [00:03:48]: So let's talk about why experts should stage a rebellion. First, I wanna be clear that rebellions look different for every business owner, for every expert. Some are quiet rebellions. Other rebellions are loud. But the one commonality between all rebellions was said best in Rogue One.. (Yes, the Star Wars movie.) Rebellions are built on hope. Hope that we can make a difference for our clients. Hope that we can change our industry and root out the things that we don't like about it. Hope that our work leaves this world better than we found it.

Michelle Mazur [00:04:38]: Rebellions, no matter what their flavor are always about change and hope that we can make things better with what we know. So there are three big reasons why experts should stage a rebellion. The first one, the industry needs your voice to rise above the BS and be the alternative to it. There is a cognitive bias called the Illusory Truth Effect. And it's the concept that the more something is repeated, the more we believe it's true. For example, this age old piece of advice, liquor before beer, you're in the clear. Beer before liquor, never been sicker. Oh my gosh. That's not even true. There's no advice. That doesn't even work. It's not true at all, but we've heard it so many times that we believe it. And if you look in the marketplace, and I'm thinking specifically for my expertise, we have been taught that there are certain ways to market and sell things because we see it so often repeated in the industry. Things like you have to be on social media. You have to talk about how much money you make. You have to have these stupid rags to riches stories.

Michelle Mazur [00:06:09]: And because we see it repeated, we think it's true. And frankly, it is not true. And I know I'm talking about my industry specifically, but in almost every industry, in every field, there's a lot of feel good advice, quick fixes, silver bullet solutions that people talk about all the time, that your potential clients take as truth when it is not truth. It is the illusory truth effect. And as an expert, you know it doesn't work when you hear it. So your voice has to be the one that points out why it doesn't work, and we need your voice to be the alternative.

Michelle Mazur [00:07:01]: The second reason why you need to stage a rebellion with your expertise is because when you bring your expertise into the marketplace, it answers questions that can make a difference to your industry and to your clients and, of course, to yourself. Your voice is missing.

And in a world where everyone is repeating the same damn thing, we need your counter opinion. We need to know how you see the world differently. Because of what you know, your experience, your training, all the work you've done with clients, You're in a unique position to answer questions for your industry, for your clients. And you can start by answering questions for yourself like, what do I know that can actually make a difference here? What do I know that can really help my clients, help them move forward? What do I know that could change my industry? And those are big questions. Those are questions I wish you and I could sit down over coffee and I could answer them with you and have a dynamic conversation. And maybe I can at some point. But those are the questions that your unique voice can answer for us.

Michelle Mazur [00:08:37]: And then finally, and related to the first two, experts advocate for a particular point of view, that the people who have done it themselves, who are just 10% smarter or have the 10% edge, they don't have your point of view. Because that point of view is typically based on years of education, experience, skill development. You have been chasing mastery. And even if you don't feel like you have mastered your area of expertise, don't worry about it. Because if you're listening to this, you are definitely expert enough and we need your thoughtful, nuanced, smart opinions and viewpoints. And because you have those, you are in a unique position to stand out. You are in a unique position to rise above all of the noise out there, all of the same old, same old out there, and show your clients. Show your audience a different way.

Michelle Mazur [00:09:51]: I hope you see how important your voice is and why we need you to stage a rebellion. But how do you attract people to this rebellion? How do you attract people to your business? Right? Because the best way for you to stage a rebellion is to get other people excited about the work you do, to get other people to experience the work you do. So that means you've got to figure out how to communicate and broadcast that expertise in a way that other people easily grok. Right? Otherwise, the people you can most serve with your business don't know you exist. You're hiding in plain sight because you haven't figured out yet, big emphasis on the yet, how to make your expertise matter to the people who are best served by it. And that's where my expertise comes in, especially around how to stage a rebellion in just three words.

Michelle Mazur [00:10:59]: So many of you know, I have a framework called the 3 Word Rebellion. Now, I also know there are a lot of you who are new to my work, and you might not be familiar at all with what the 3 Word Rebellion is. Maybe you've heard me talk about it. Maybe you've heard other people talk about it. Well, the good news is we're gonna be doing a series on the 3 Word Rebellion and looking at it through the lens of expertise and how it helps you communicate your expertise. So a little bit a preview of the 3 Word Rebellion. The 3 Word Rebellion starts as a book. It came out in 2019. And since then, I have sold over 5,000 copies, which still blows my mind for a self published indie author to sell that many copies of a book. There have been countless 3 Word Rebellions that have been created by me in my one on one work with clients or just from people who read the book.

Michelle Mazur [00:12:02]: I love coming into contact with people who subscribe to my newsletter or listen to this podcast, and they tell me they were able to find their 3 Word Rebellion just by reading the book. So what is a 3 Word Rebellion? Essentially, it is a one of a kind message that grabs attention. It's associated with your business, the work you do, and communicates the value of that work to your right fit client. And, honestly, 3 Word Rebellions are all around us. There are some famous ones like Simon Sinek's Start With Why or Nike's Just Do It. And even the name of this podcast, Make Marketing Suck Less, that is a 3 Word Rebellion. And for me, the goal of the 3 Word Rebellion is to help the overlooked experts. People like you, who are exceptional at what you do, who get your clients great results.

Michelle Mazur [00:13:09]: I want us to use the 3 Word Rebellion process to communicate the value of your work in a way that's easy for other people to grasp, in a way that gets people's attention and makes them want to know more. So we're gonna spend the next several weeks deep diving on what a 3 Word Rebellion is, why experts need one, how it builds your business and audience, and more. And now you can always check out the book anywhere books are sold. But the real exciting news that I am thrilled to announce today is that this summer, you'll be able to work with me on your 3 Word Rebellion inside the Expert Up Club. In the past, the only way to work with me to find your 3 Word Rebellion was in my 1x1 Messaging Intensive, which is still available if you want to have that intensive work done for you. But I also know that the cost is prohibitive for a lot of business owners and with the advent of AI, and the power of the community that we’ve been creating in the Expert Up Club, I've actually figured out a way to walk a group through the process. So now you can work with me on your 3 Word Rebellion. Get my feedback, my support, my ideas, along with being surrounded by a community of experts who are just like you.

So if you're interested in this, the time to become a member of the Expert Up Club is now. You'll do the 3 Word Rebellion work at a fraction of the price. So go to Expert Up dot Club or open up your podcast app and click the link and book a tour of the club. I'd love to show you around.

Michelle Mazur [00:15:05]: Now remember, your clients are out there right now looking for you. Your industry needs your voice and your experience is your most valuable asset. It is what sets you apart and has earned you the respect of your peers and the trust of your clients. And the 3 Word Rebellion is designed to help you leverage that experience, turning it into clear, compelling messaging that resonates with your audience. Now let's make sure your message, your 3 Word Rebellion reflects the depth of your expertise.

Michelle Mazur [00:15:38]: If the Make Marketing Suck Less pod is making your marketing more effective so that your clients can find and hire you, please share the show with a friend. The easiest way to do that is through pod link. You can find the show at, and that page will allow anyone you share the show with to subscribe and start listening in their favorite podcast player.


The Make Marketing Suck Less podcast is a production of Communication Rebel. Our production coordinator is Jessica Gulley-Ward. The podcast is edited by Steven Mills, our executive producer is me, Dr. Michelle Mazur.

The make marketing suck less podcast is recorded on the unseated traditional lands of the coast salish peoples, specifically the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish people, original stewards of the land, past, and present.

Create Your One-of-a-Kind Message

Your 3 Word Rebellion is the Key to Growing Your Business & Impact

Yes! I’m ready to rebel!

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