Make Marketing Suck Less

The Shocking Truth About Doing LESS Marketing


Whenever I tell someone that I work with business owners to do less marketing while creating more demand, more interest in their programs, their offers, their services, and their expertise, these people look at me like I have lost my ever loving mind.

Like I have 27 heads because the idea of doing less and getting more, it just doesn't make sense.

Don't you need to do more marketing in order to get more clients? And, actually, you don't.

So today, we’re talking about the shocking truth behind doing less marketing and why you'll see better results.

(Click play or read the transcript below.)

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How to create more demand and interest in your services by doing less marketing, which might initially sound counterintuitive to many people.
  • My personal experience with a marketing experiment on LinkedIn.
  • The importance of focusing on a single effective strategy
  • How having a clear, concise message can save time and make marketing efforts more effective

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Michelle Mazur [00:00:00]: Whenever I tell someone that I work with business owners to do less marketing while creating more demand, more interest in their programs, their offers, their services, and their expertise, these people look at me like I have lost my ever loving mind, like I have 27 heads because the idea of doing less and getting more, it just doesn't make sense. Right? Like, don't you need to do more marketing in order to get more clients? And, actually, you don't. So today, I wanna talk to you about the shocking truth behind doing less marketing and why you'll see better results. So let's dive in.

Michelle Mazur [00:00:57]: Welcome to Make Marketing Suck Less. The podcast that knows marketing is freaking hard, especially when you're a solo business owner trying to juggle it all. I'm your host, Dr. Michelle Mazur, author of the 3 Word Rebellion and founder of the Expert Up Club. Forget the latest marketing fads and tactics promising social media stardom. I'm here with research-backed strategies to help you clarify your message and get twice as effective with your marketing. And while I can't promise you'll ever love marketing, I'm here. to make you hate it a tiny bit less.

Michelle Mazur [00:01:44]: Let's be real. As a solo business owner, you and I are juggling so much. If you think about a typical day in your life, you've got client calls, you've got your newsletter to write, your podcast to produce, maybe you're posting on social media or thinking about pitching yourself for podcasts, and you feel like you should be doing all of these things to market your business and also do sales on top of that because marketing should be leading to sales. And meanwhile, the world feels like it is on fire. And when this happens, things start falling through the cracks. And the biggest thing that falls through the cracks is always marketing, because sometimes marketing doesn't feel that urgent. We know we need to do it, but there are so many other things competing with our time.

Michelle Mazur [00:02:50]: But here's the deal, my friends. When we are trying to do so much marketing, be in so many different places, try to do all these different tactics, we don't see great results because we are half assing it. We aren't doing any of the tactics well. So let me give you an example from my own business. So I recently did a marketing experiment. I wanted to find out whether or not LinkedIn is a good place for me to invest my time and energy to see if it would grow my email list. What I decided to do was, you know, I'd post three times a week. I would spend about twenty to thirty minutes a day commenting on between five to ten people's posts to start conversations and show up to the DMs and engage with people.

Michelle Mazur [00:03:54]: So I did that for thirty days straight. With all that investment of time, I got 18 new subscribers. Now that is not bad. Like, 18 new beautiful people in my email list is great. Like, I want to celebrate that. But then something happened. While I was doing this LinkedIn experiment, I ended up doing a collaboration with a friend of mine, a lead magnet swap, where I wrote an email promoting his lead magnet on lead magnets to my list. He promoted the Market Like An Expert course to his list.

Michelle Mazur [00:04:33]: And it took me, I don't know, thirty minutes to write the email to promote his amazing lead magnet. And I got 61 new subscribers. So it took a fraction of the time, and I got three times the results. And so this tells me that I don't need to be on LinkedIn to grow my audience. Because, remember, when we are talking about growing our audience, we're going back to the GEO framework and the three jobs marketing does for your business. So we talked about this in the Marketing Blob episode. We'll hook that up in the show notes if you want to review. But the G in the GEO framework stands for Grow.

Michelle Mazur [00:05:21]: And both LinkedIn and collaborations like a lead magnet swap perform the job of the Grow phase, and I only need one of those. I only need to focus on one of those to make my business work. So it's clear from the experiment where my focus should be. I should be focused on creating these collaborations and not on LinkedIn because I can do less work, less marketing doing a collaboration, and I will see better results. And you know what? I really love telling you about amazing people that I know who I find incredibly helpful. So collaborations are such a joy for me to do, and it doesn't suck the energy out of me. So the bottom line is you don't have to be everywhere or on platforms where the algorithm controls who sees your content. And this is a way to do less.

Michelle Mazur [00:06:35]: Make sure you're doing the one job, in this case, growing your audience and using the best tactic that helps you reach that goal. Alright. The second reason you can do less marketing and have it feel easier and take less time is messaging. Dialing in your marketing message is the best place for you to claw back your time. And I've said this before on other podcast episodes, I am a marketing agnostic. I really do believe that any marketing tactic can work if your client is on that mark platform or uses that channel, and they can find you there, and your message is dialed in, and it resonates with your right fit client. And we talked about, on the marketing BS detector episode, the difference between copy messaging and marketing. And the thing to remember here is marketing amplifies your message.

Michelle Mazur [00:07:43]: That's its job. That's the only thing it does. It amplifies your message. So if you do not have a message, I don't care how many marketing tactics you do. You could devote all of your time to marketing. It's not going to get the results you want. You're not going to see the interest in your work, the leads, people signing up for consultation calls with you because the message is missing the mark. You're also not gonna become known for your work because it's not clear what you do or who you're for.

Michelle Mazur [00:08:16]: And your offers are not going to get the attention, which means you're not generating leads because it's not clear what problem you solve or who you solve it for, how you help or why you're different. And by the way, all of these things we do inside the Expert Up Club. So please get on the interest list. If you're not, I would love to see you in there and help you dial in this messaging. And when you don't have your message dialed in, it means you're spinning your wheels, spending a lot of time trying to implement tactics that don't work. But not only that, it feels so much easier and takes less time to create marketing assets when you know what to say. It's the difference between that experience of when you sit down to write an email and you know what you wanna say because maybe you just had a great client conversation and it gave you this brilliant idea and everything just flows, and then people respond to it, and it's on point, vs. writing the email that when you start it, it feels like you're in delivery, and you're delivering a breech baby. And it's so hard and it's so time consuming.

Michelle Mazur [00:09:38]: So when we know what to say, marketing just flows out of us. It is so much easier. And finally, I wanna give you another real world example of how this actually helped a real person. So one of our Expert Up Club members, Nicole Trike Steinbach, she was on a past episode of this podcast talking about how to keep marketing when your life kinda blows up on you. During her time in the club, she's really worked diligently on getting her message dialed in so she knows what to say. And what happened is she ended up saving about three hours a week producing her podcast because she knew what to say. It took her less time to script. It took her less time to record.

Michelle Mazur [00:10:26]: So she was able to get the podcast out in record time. So just think about that. What are the ways that you have been wasting time that you don't realize trying to make marketing work that maybe it isn't the right tactic for you or you don't have the message yet. So, yes, you can do less marketing when you're focused on what works and what maximizes your precious time and when you've got your message dialed in. And the place, the best place to figure it out is the Expert Up Club. Our live messaging sprints to dial in that marketing message so it resonates with the people you're trying to reach. These are going to be happening live in April. So I teach them live.

Michelle Mazur [00:11:19]: We do the work together. You get my feedback in real time. So if you are interested, make sure you are on the interest list to join us at Because doing less marketing and seeing better results is inevitable when you get more strategic and just stop throwing spaghetti on the wall. And until next time, please remember, less is really more when it comes to marketing.

Michelle Mazur [00:11:55]: If the Make Marketing Suck Less pod is making your marketing more effective so that your clients can find and hire you, please share the show with a friend. The easiest way to do that is through pod link. You can find the show at, and that page will allow anyone you share the show with to subscribe and start listening in their favorite podcast player.


The Make Marketing Suck Less podcast is a production of Communication Rebel. Our production coordinator is Jessica Gulley-Ward. The podcast is edited by Steven Mills, our executive producer is me, Dr. Michelle Mazur.

The make marketing suck less podcast is recorded on the unseated traditional lands of the coast salish peoples, specifically the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish people, original stewards of the land, past, and present.

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