Make Marketing Suck Less

How to Stop Hitting the Snooze Button on Your Story

Tell you story NOW“I know I've got a story in me. I'm going to tell it…Someday…”

The woman who said this to me was beautiful, articulate, tenacious and entrepreneur on the verge and completely devaluing what sets her apart from all the other life coaches out there – Her Story.

It's time to wake-up. It's time to STOP hitting the snooze button on your story. I know I make it sound so easy, but it's not. Why?

You're your own worst enemy…well actually, not you – that inner bitchy wench living in your head…yeah she's to blame.

Rip the tongue out of your inner critic

That voice that tells you “You're nothing special” or “There are hundreds of teachers, coaches, artists, accountants, graphic designers just like you – what makes your story so important?” 

The next time you think about putting pen to paper to write your story, picking up that phone to book a speaking engagement or pressing “Publish” on a blog post that's going to broadcast your brilliance to the world and you hear the voice, do me and yourself a favor: Tell that inner-critic to shut the hell up, like right now. 

But what if it isn't that vixen of self-defeat? What if it's something like comparing yourself to anyone who ever lived and had a story?

Curse of constant comparison

“Your story is soooo boring compared to {Insert the name of any human being who ever lived}, you have no business telling it!”

Stop comparing yourself to everyone in the history of the world who you think has a better story. Yes, someone's difficulties were greater than yours. The results achieved were bigger. Their story is funnier, but who cares? 

Your unique perspective means you have something to say. It doesn't matter that it's been said before. We haven't heard the story from you! 

Force the inner critic to stop competing with everyone. It's no good for you, your business or living the life you deserve. 

Stop Comparing. Start Sharing!

Replace “Someday” with “Now!” Turn off the alarm, spring from your slumber, grab that dirty chai latte and start telling your story. Speak it. Blog it. Write it. Tweet it. Hire a scribe to scrawl it in calligraphy. Get your story into the world NOW. 

What's holding you back from sharing your story? Already sharing your awesomeness with the world? Tell me about in the comment section below!

Remember,  it's your story. Tell it well. 


Create Your One-of-a-Kind Message

Your 3 Word Rebellion is the Key to Growing Your Business & Impact

Yes! I’m ready to rebel!

6 responses to “How to Stop Hitting the Snooze Button on Your Story”

  1. Kenna Griffin says:

    Did you write this for me, Michelle? Because it sorta seems that way. Thanks for the advice. By the way, I don’t know if I’ve told you before, but I love your blog’s design.

    • Michelle Mazur says:

      Kenna, I was thinking about you the whole the time! 🙂 Now get out there and tell your story!!

  2. Liz says:

    Thanks. I’m motivated! Now how do I prevent reading inspiring go-getter blog posts from becoming yet another snooze button?!

    • Michelle Mazur says:

      🙂 That’s a great question. I actually have an app on my computer called “Freedom” that I set for 60 minutes. For 60 minutes, I can’ get online. It’s miraculous how much stuff you can get done in 60 minutes when the Internets aren’t begging for attention!

  3. Vulnerability Hangover: When Storytelling Becomes TMI | Internet Marketing says:

    […] Thanks to Brene’s research we are now told to embrace our vulnerability and know that our story matters, and that it’s important to tell it. […]

  4. Vulnerability Hangover: When Storytelling Becomes TMI says:

    […] Thanks to Brene’s research  we are now told to embrace our vulnerability and know that our story matters, and that it’s important to tell it. […]