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Fear, Rejection & The Best Way to Get Speaking Gigs with Jia Jiang

Jian Jian on rejection at the World Domination SummitRejection. No one likes it – let alone actively seeks to get rejected on a daily basis unless you're one man, Jia Jiang. His love affair with rejection rocked my world when I heard him speak at the World Domination Summit. His talk fundamentally changed me, and that is what speaking is all about. Having a message that inspires the audience and changes the world!

I was beyond thrilled when he stopped by blog post about the World Domination Summit and left a comment. I was even more excited when he said YES to sitting down with me to chat about all things public speaking.

There is something for everyone in this Google Hangout whether you are starting out as a speaker or  you're turning pro. Jia and I chatted about:

  • The #1 thing you need to be a speaker
  • How to handle your nerves before walking on stage
  • The BEST way to land speaking gigs (including a TEDx Talk)
  • How to pick stories that engage your audience
  • And so much more….

It was an incredible experience to hang out with Jia – I learned so much about speaking, fear and rejection from him.

YouTube video

Want more Jia? (Of course you do…)

Visit his blog to learn more about his 100 Days of Rejection project or watch:

TEDx Austin – 100 Days of Rejection

YouTube video

World Domination Summit – Love Affair with Rejection

Let me know your thoughts on the Hangout in the comments below!

Create Your One-of-a-Kind Message

Your 3 Word Rebellion is the Key to Growing Your Business & Impact

Yes! I’m ready to rebel!

6 responses to “Fear, Rejection & The Best Way to Get Speaking Gigs with Jia Jiang”

  1. Jia Jiang says:

    Michelle, thank you for the hang out. I had great fun chatting with you.

    • Michelle Mazur says:

      Likewise,Jia! Thank you for reframing how I look at rejection. I am more fearless than ever.

  2. Leigh Ann Levy says:

    WOW! Awesome speeches and great hang out! 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. How to Land More Speaking Gigs | Total Web Design says:

    […] my google hangout with Jia Jiang, I asked him how he landed gigs at the World Domination Summit and TEDx. His answer: he got to know […]

  4. How to Land More Speaking Gigs says:

    […] my google hangout with Jia Jiang, I asked him how he landed gigs at the World Domination Summit and TEDx. His answer: he got to know […]