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Category Archives: Podcast

Imperfect Allyship with Erica Courdae

Today Erica Courdae is joining us on the Rebel Rising Podcast. She is an entrepreneur, coach, and consultant. She is dedicated to expanding how multicultural professionals, managers, lawyers, coaches, and creative small business owners interact with the world. Through powerful conversations meant to create dialogue and connection, Erica seamlessly challenges them to perceive their reality […]

The Unexpected Reason No One Understands What You Do

It can be easy to blame yourself when your messaging isn’t working, especially if you feel like you have trouble accurately putting into words exactly what is that you do. On today’s episode of the Rebel Rising Podcast, I am sharing with you one really important thing to consider when perfecting your messaging: your audience’s […]

Could This Be the ONE Thing that Makes Everything Else In Your Business Easier?

Back when I was a communication professor teaching Intro to Communication, I would inevitably have this conversation with several students per semester. Usually, the student wasn’t doing very well in my class and they would show up in my office hours and we would talk about what’s going wrong for them. And inevitably they would […]

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