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Category Archives: Presentations

4 Simple Ways to Engage Any Audience

When you see yourself making your big presentation how do you imagine your audience? Do you see the audience leaning forward, smiling faces and nodding with agreement? Or do you see them checked-out, checking their email and wishing to heck that they could be anywhere but listening to you? Or do you not think about […]

The Most Important Word In Any Presentation

Don’t you hate it when a speaker gets up and waxes on poetically about themselves for the first 5 minutes of a presentation? It’s all Me, Me, Me. You’re yawn, yawn, yawning. Why is that? What makes you fall into a stupor of boredom when a speaker focuses on himself first? YOU – you are […]

12 Most Ridiculous Communication Myths to Stop Believing

Bad communication and public speaking advice abounds on the Internet and even from communication professionals. At a networking event, I mentioned that I was a presentation coach. It was met with a reply “Oh, when I speak I always look right above my audience’s head so I don’t have to make eye contact. That’s what […]

What 3 Words Describe You as a Speaker?

How do you find your own unique speaking style? I see a lot of speaker’s struggle with their identity at the front of the room. Who are you? How much of the real you do you want to show the world? Amanda Genther who is the brand developer for passion-powered entrepreneurs had an exercise on her blog […]

The Key to Authentic Speaking

You hear this advice in speaking, writing, crafting your elevator pitch – Be AUTHENTIC. Authenticity is the best way to connect with people. Shouldn’t it be super easy just to be yourself when you get up to speak? I mean who else would you be? Then that voice comes into your head – “what if they […]