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Category Archives: Presentations

7 Habits of Highly Successful Speakers

Ever wonder what makes some speaker super successful? Have you ever sat in an audience in awe of a speaker and pondered “How did she do that?” The answer is through a lot of work. There are some freaks (meant lovingly of course) out there who are natural gifted at speaking, but most of us have to […]

The First Important Step to Confident Speaking

I’ll get right to the point, most people want more confidence on the speaking stage. They want to own the stage, command the audience’s attention and get their message across. Think about what being a confident speaker means to you. What does it look like? Now hold-on tight to that description. For the next several […]

Learning To Love PowerPoint Not Just Live With It

Our Valentine’s Day post is brought to you by guest blogger Janet Webb of Janet Webb Consulting. She’ll make you fall in love with PowerPoint all over again. PowerPoint was created in 1987.  Not long after that the term “Death by PowerPoint” was no doubt also created.  The OED defines death as “the final cessation […]