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Three Questions to Ask to Connect to Your Audience


As a speaker, teacher, meeting leader, have you ever been in the front of the room talking and lookout at a sea of blank stares? Their quizzical looks just beg the question“Why are you here and when will you stop talking?” I have and it’s about as fun as medieval torture. In fact when I found myself in that situation, I felt like I was putting each and every one of those people on the rack.

I was the last presenter of a two-day conference asked to present on changing consumer demographics to a group of business peoplewho never dealt with consumers nor cared about their demographics. Did I mention that I was the LAST presenter?

It was an audience analysis fail! A communication fail! I wasn't effective at all and I was keeping them from catching their plane.

It could have been prevented if I would have asked myself three simple questions before I stepped on that stage.

1   1.  Who are these people?

        When speaking, Google is your first line of defense to understand your audience. Visit the organizations website, read their blog and read industry news.  The more you know about the audience, the more you are able to connect and establish rapport with the audience.

2  2 . Why are they here? 

It’s imperative to find out all you can about the event you are speaking at. Does it have a theme? What are the other speakers talking about? Ask Why they wanted you to speak? What was appealing to them about your message?You want to make a connection to the theme or other people’s talks. The Conference organizer should be able to help you with the answers. If you knowpeople who belong to the organization, ask them. Tap your social network for help.

    3. What are their challenges? 

The third question is the most important question, most speakers are asked to give talks because there is some type of a problem. CraigValentine calls these pain points. What is the pain point, you've been hired to relieve. Solving this problem is critical in building a trusting relationship with the audience.

If I would have found out more about my audience and realized that there problem was that they did NOT understand the consumer who is the end user of their products, then I could have created a more meaningful,impactful presentation instead of creating a room full of dread.

Now that you’ve done your research, how do you know if you were successful in reaching your audience? Next week is getting feedback from your audience

How do you get to know your audience and cultivate a relationship with them in order to communicate? Please share your thoughts here or on Facebook!

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5 responses to “Three Questions to Ask to Connect to Your Audience”

  1. The Secret Sauce of Persuasion and Sales | SOLDPS says:

    […] often extolled the virtues of audience analysis and building a relationship with people you are presenting to. When you are persuading or […]

  2. 3 Public Speaking Lessons from Horror Movies | Total Web Design says:

    […] be fanatical in your quest to understand your audience. Not scary obsessive, but helpful obsessive. Ask the right questions and stalk them online to get to know all there is to know about […]

  3. The Secret Sauce of Persuasion and Sales says:

    […] often extolled the virtues of audience analysis and building a relationship with people you are presenting to. When you are persuading or selling, […]

  4. How Does Your Presenter Type Build Relationships | Dr. Michelle Mazur says:

    […] Relationship building weakness: That whole failing to connect and engage with the audience thing! Having great material that is well organized is awesome, but the next step is working on building a relationship with the audience. Particularly important is conducting an audience analysis- understanding who the audience is and what are their challenges means the counselor can tailor the material to the audience to show that s/he cares about the audiences wants and needs. To help with audience analysis read the 3 Questions to Ask to Connect. […]

  5. Assess for Speaking Success | Dr. Michelle Mazur says:

    […] If you are able to do your research and answer these questions, you will be able to make a lasting impression on your audience but more importantly give them the answers they need to solve their problems. For more tips on how to answers these questions, read 3 Questions to Ask to Connect with Your Audience. […]