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Category Archives: Presentations

Develop Your Speaking Style By Reading Blogs

How do you develop your own style as a speaker? What’s your signature move on that stage? Me? I find humor in even the darkest situations while using alluring, astounding and amazing alliteration. It’s kind of what I’m known for. Don’t have your speaking style down yet? Don’t know what makes you stand out? That’s […]

Get Silly to Improve Public Speaking

When you think about improving your public speaking, getting silly, acting goofy and doing whacky stuff is not necessarily what you had in mind, right? Public speaking is SERIOUS business, but it doesn’t mean that improving your speaking can’t be a blast.  Today’s The Speech Doctor is in question comes from reader, friend and editor of this blog, Sharon. […]

How to Infuse Your Audience with Passion

Do you have a cause that you are beyond passionate about? Is your goal to inspire others to join you in your passion? Today’s, Speech Doctor Is In question comes from Richard who asks: How can I make a compelling presentation about a serious topic (e.g., addressing poverty in Indigenous communities) that I feel quite […]

Bouncing Back From a Question That Derails Your Presentation

Have you ever been asked a really weird question in a presentation? It usually starts off with “I know this is completely off-topic…but {insert wing nut question here}?” Today’s Speech Doctor Is In Q&A comes from Angela, and she has a question about questions: “How to you bounce back from an audience question that derails […]