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Category Archives: Public Speaking

What Do You Want To Know About Public Speaking?

Where does the inspiration come from for my many blog posts on public speaking and presentations? The short answer is: YOU!!!!!! Your email questions, comments on the blog, conversation over on twitter and even from popular culture – most notably somebody challenged me to come up with a post on public speaking lessons from zombie […]

12 Most Massive Worries to Stop Sweating During Your Next Presentation

“Do you want to look good on stage during your next presentation?” Professional speaker and 2001 World Champion of Public Speaking, Darren LaCroix, posed this question during a presentation at a recent conference I attended. Hands shot up all across the room including mine. Of course, I want to look good on stage. Who doesn’t? To this Darren […]

Powerful Pauses in Presentations

“Thou shalt fill up every second of your presentation with words.” I don’t know when this became a pervasive presentation commandment, but it’s time to break this stone tablet with reckless abandon. I promise you won’t go to presentation Hell, but you’ll send your audience to Heaven.  Pauses are important for both speakers and audiences.  Pause […]

The What and How of Public Speaking

Forty-thousand people signed up for a free online public speaking class offered by the University of Washington. Now, you might think that as a public speaking coach that this has me quaking in my boots. If people can get the information for free, why would they ever hire me for coaching? Public speaking is a hot […]