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Category Archives: Communication

Is the Elevator Pitch Killing Networking?

Chris Brogan has a new book out, called The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth (best title ever)! In it he basically declares networking as dead. The zombies on the Walking Dead are more alive than networking. Chris writes: “Does networking work?” What do you get for an answer? If you hear yes, run away from […]

3 Reasons Your Elevator Pitch is Leaving People Confused

I heard her elevator pitch a 100 times before. I knew she was smart, had big ideas about her industry, and she was good at what she does. The problem: I had NO idea exactly what she did or who she did it for. If you threatened to set fire to my whole collection of […]

Is Your Elevator Pitch Turning People Off? (And What To Do Instead)

I do a ton of networking and there’s one question that is a guaranteed to kill a conversation. And it’s not even a highly inappropriate! I start chatting with a woman. We are having a perfectly lovely conversation about the latest episode of Mad Men and finally I pop the question. “Tell me what you do you?” […]

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