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Category Archives: Fear of Public Speaking

12 Most Ridiculous Communication Myths to Stop Believing

Bad communication and public speaking advice abounds on the Internet and even from communication professionals. At a networking event, I mentioned that I was a presentation coach. It was met with a reply “Oh, when I speak I always look right above my audience’s head so I don’t have to make eye contact. That’s what […]

What Public Speaking Barriers Are Keeping You from Success?

You are driving down the road to your presentation destination, and invariably there are barriers to public speaking success. In the ABC’s of your presentation destination, you’ve assessed your audience, your goals and your strengths. Now comes the hard part figuring out what holds you back from your ultimate goals in your career or business. […]

Embracing Fear as the Fun of Speaking

Googling “fear of public speaking” yields 30.5 million hits. The first page of results tells us how to fight, conquer, manage and overcome the fear of public speaking. I say we should embrace our fear, sit uncomfortably with it, and then as public speaking coach, Rich Hopkins, says Speak Anyway. Whenever I am about to […]

3 Public Speaking Lessons from Duran Duran

Three public speaking lessons from Duran Duran? Have I lost my mind? Well, yes but that happened back in the 80s. I intend to persuade you, dear readers, that Duran Duran can teach speakers 3 valauble lessons about creating a speaking experience. Lesson #1 – The Music of Language When Simon LeBon joined Duran Duran, […]

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