Make Marketing Suck Less

Category Archives: Podcast

Show, Don’t Tell: Building Trust in Your Marketing

    We live in a world where people get burned all the time. Sales pages, over promise, and under deliver.  And sometimes what gets promised doesn’t get delivered at all. Because of this, trust is at an all-time low in the industry.  I know you. You aren’t the problem.  You’re the type of person […]

Stop “Should’ing” Yourself with Amanda McKinney

    Where are you “should’ing” on yourself when it comes to marketing?  With marketing, you have so many different options, and every marketing expert has their own opinion or proven formula for what works.  But how do you know what marketing strategy is right for you and when you just need to let something […]

The Do Less But Better Marketing Strategy

  Are you making marketing harder than it needs to be by over-marketing your business? Whether you’re following the advice of web celebs telling you that you need to be everywhere or you are easily distracted by the latest marketing craze, it’s time to pause. You might be making marketing harder than necessary by doing […]

Five Reasons Why Marketing Bites (And What To Do About It)

  Marketing bites. It’s something we don’t talk enough about in business. As a solo business owner, you’re someone with just one or two people on your team; you’re juggling a lot in your business client delivery, sales, and marketing. Let’s face it, marketing is one of those things that takes a ton of time […]

Doing Business Differently? Be an Expert Amongst the Experts

  I never felt like I fit in with what was happening in online business. I didn’t belong. I thought differently. I was doing business differently. And I felt like my expertise, my knowledge wasn’t valued. And so many times, so many times I felt passed over and ignored. And that’s a really lonely place […]