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Category Archives: Podcast

A Crisis of Trust: Why You Are Skeptical of Online Businesses

  “I’ve been burned before.” I’ve heard those four words more this year than in any other year I’ve been in business. Potential clients who fill out my intake form tell me about another “messaging coach” who didn’t deliver on their promises, or the person who they hired created messaging that was unusable in the […]

How to Steer Your Business During Uncertain Economic Times

You’re just one course away from recession proofing your business! Or are you? The message around recession proofing is everywhere these days, but what do you really need to know about surviving, and even thriving, in this economy? Will the course or the membership site be the ticket, or are there other skills you want […]

How to Keep Your Message Relevant During an Economic Downturn

There has been a disturbance in the force. Or, a shift in the market. When I first started offering brand messaging in 2018, the economy was cooking with gas. The stock market was on fire, the job market was stable, and consumer outlook was positive. And when the economy was great, clients would come to […]

The Myth of Messaging as Self-Actualization

  It doesn’t feel the way I thought it would. Once my clients land on their Three Word Rebellion–the message they want their business to be known for, the message that they will be leading with–it’s not uncommon for them to say something like, “I thought this would feel different.” There’s an expectation that landing […]

3 Word Rebellion Book Club: The Messages That Support Your 3-Word Rebellion

It’s hard to believe this is the last week of the Three Word Rebellion Book Club.  You’ve claimed your expertise, you’ve discovered your motivation for starting your movement, and why it’s important for experts to step up and lead. And you’ve heard from some experts about how their Three Words Rebellions have impacted their businesses. […]