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Category Archives: Podcast

Do I really have to practice my presentation? (TRSP 18)

I’ve got a dirty little secret. I HATE practicing my presentation. It’s so weird. Me talking to myself with an audience of cats (side note: cats are tough crowd). But if you’re like me and wondering “Do I really have to practice my presentation?” the answer is YES. The good news is that practicing your […]

Why Motivational Speaking Won’t Pay Your Bills and What to do Instead (TRSP 16)

Whenever someone tells me that their speaking goal is to be a well-paid motivational speaker, I cringe. Outside the fact that inspiring speakers are a dime a dozen, there’s another problem: Inspiration is everywhere these days. You can get it for free on Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube. Heck, my cough drops have inspirational quotes on […]

Discover Your Most Valuable Speaking Topic (TRSP 15)

The most important decision you’ll ever make as a speaker is choosing your speaking topic. You’ll be know for this topic, and you must LOVE it because you’ll be speaking on it for years to come. Choosing your speech topic is one of the most rewarding and most difficult decisions you’ll ever make as a […]

What Result Does Your Speech Produce (TRSP 14)

Seth Godin once wrote “The only reason ever to give a speech is to create change.” I agree with him 100%. However, most speakers try to change the whole world in just 20-minutes when what is most meaningful to any audience is a small change that really produces the desired result. A small change puts […]