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Category Archives: Public Speaking

Every Speaker Needs a SAM

[soundcloud][/soundcloud] I was nervous. Not just my standard pre-presentation jitters. My stomach had been churning since the day before. My palms were sweaty. I felt tears welling up in my eyes before this speech. It was so unlike me, but this speech was big time important.  I felt the weight of this presentation bearing down on […]

Introverts Make the Best Speakers

It’s time to reframe the old adage that  “introverts do not make good speakers.” Full disclosure – I am an extrovert. However, I’m surrounded by introverts. My fiance, my step-dad, my best friends and all of my clients are introverts. When I coached college speech and debate, the vast majority of my students were introverts. […]

What Your Audience Needs (More than Ice Cream)

What do the sparkling faces looking adoringly at you really want from you? Information? Your product or service? Entertainment? Ice cream? (Maybe if it’s Chubby Hubby) As I’ve been digging in with speakers from all around the world during my free 15-minute Presentation Challenge Sessions (grab one – there’s still a few left), there’s one […]

4 Essential Ingredients to Creating an Epic Audience Experience

The idea of how to creating an epic audience experience has been a meaty subject that I’ve been noodling on for the past year. I firmly – hand on my Walking Dead comic books – believe  that you shouldn’t just speak, but create an experience for your audience. I’ve never been sure just HOW to go […]