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Category Archives: Public Speaking

3 Public Speaking Lessons from Horror Movies

 Jason.  Freddy. Leatherface. Chuckie. Michael Meyers. Probably not the first names that pop into your head when you think of excellent public speakers, right? Cold-blooded psychopaths plus one creepy doll sure! Public speaking role models – no way. But yes horror movies (including their creepy villains)  have 3 vital lessons to teach us about public […]

Brilliant Tips for Handling Audience Questions

“Are there any questions?” Are you the type of speaker who utters this phrase and then secretly HOPES like heck there are no questions, so you can bugger off the stage and consider the presentation D-O-N-E? Or do you love Q&A because you get to interact with the audience? Do you relish the chance to […]

Slaying the Dreaded Umm Word

Do you have a case of the Umm’s? Those tiny words that sneak their way into your presentation. It might be an “Umm”, an “Ahh “or even a “So” (which is my filler word of choice). Do you really need to be sweating them though? Do filler words completely undermine your credibility? Do they hurt […]

Crafting A Call-to-Action that Gets Results

One of the things that frustrates me most is when I don’t know what to do next. Have you ever read a great blog post or seen an awesome presentation that just left you thinking “Wow, that was great….but now what?” As an entrepreneur or small business owner, you need a strong call-to-action in your presentations […]