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Category Archives: Public Speaking

Infuse Your Personality Into Your Presentations

Personality is persuasive. Be your audacious best. -Dr. Michelle Mazur Personal note: I’m taking a 4 week blogging hiatus to finish my book, Speak Up For Your Business. Never fear great content will still be here, but it will be other bloggers from around the web. Enjoy. Personality. It is what separates good speakers from exceptional […]

How to Land More Speaking Gigs

By far the #1 question I get at networking events when I mention that I’m a presentation strategist and speech coach is: “HOW DO I GET MORE SPEAKING GIGS???” There’s usually a wave of frustration tinged attached with a rant about how they are not getting traction at service clubs or anywhere else they are […]

Develop Your Speaking Style By Reading Blogs

How do you develop your own style as a speaker? What’s your signature move on that stage? Me? I find humor in even the darkest situations while using alluring, astounding and amazing alliteration. It’s kind of what I’m known for. Don’t have your speaking style down yet? Don’t know what makes you stand out? That’s […]