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Category Archives: Public Speaking

The Introverts Way to Confidently Take the Presentation Stage

You’re scheduled to give a big talk. As the day approaches the feeling of dread sets in. You’ve got a great message, but it’s the energy exchange between you and your audience that you know is going to wear you out. Never fear Beth Buelow of The Introvert Entrepreneur is here for part 2 of our interview […]

Have the Confidence to Stop Distractions During Your Presentation

Today’s guest post is from Kevin Milsap. Kevin is a small business owner obsessed with the small details. The advice was to picture the audience in their underwear. However, in the days leading up to your presentation you dreamt the audience took pictures while you gave a presentation in your underwear. Be confident! Better ways to […]

Confessions of an Introverted Speaker

I’ve proudly proclaimed that Introverts do indeed make the best speakers. Now, I am over-the-moon to bring you this 2-part interview with Beth Buelow of The Introvert Entrepreneur. Beth is a speaker, author and professional coach who helps Introverts amplify their strengths. Today, she wants to help you amplify your strengths as an introvert speaker. […]

5 Ways Public Speaking is Like Dating

Ah Valentine’s Day! The holiday made up by greeting card companies to give happy couples something to look forward to between Christmas and the long slog to spring. Whether you’re happily coupled, celebrating Singles Awareness Day or boycotting the whole stupid mess, one thing is for sure we’ve all been on lousy dates. What was […]