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Category Archives: Public Speaking

What Every Speaker Needs to Know to Go Pro

I’m not one for ice breakers, but if I must indulge in the activity – my favorite is two truths and a lie. In a room full of strangers, you tell 2 truths about yourself and 1 fabrication. Then the audiences ask you questions and tries to guess which is the lie. Here’s mine: I’ve […]

Stand Up Straight to Influence Audiences and Improve Your Health

Today’s guest post is from Terrance Perez. Terrance is a motivational speaker and community activist. He loves to blog about local issues. Global communication organization Toastmasters International teaches its members that, when speaking in front of an audience, how you stand is just as important as what you say. Your posture reflects your attitude, and the […]

Is Your Message a Mess? How to Persuade When You Don't Know What to Say

Just picture you’re granted 30-minutes in front of a room full of would-be clients. They’re perfect for you. They’ve got the challenge that you can uniquely solve. They’re primed and ready to listen. It’s a huge opportunity for your business. It’s thrilling. You envision fascinating the crowd with your every word. Now imagine being introduced, […]