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Category Archives: Public Speaking

An Open Letter to Events Who Don’t Pay Their Speakers

Dear Event Organizer, I get it. Running an event is complicated. You’re dealing with the venue, catering, scheduling, av team, budget, getting butts in seats, and pleasing the powers that be. But, my dear event organizer, we need to have a serious conversation about not paying the people who make your event worth attending. The […]

How to Create a Standing O worthy Audience-centered Speech (It’s all about the experience)

In our look-at-me, everyone’s-a-winner, make 6-figures from speaking in 6-minutes, social media-crazed society, the easy way to attempt to grow your speaking business is to focus on what you can take from your audience and ignore the audience experience entirely. Everyone is doing it, right? Those ever popular selling from the stage formulas encourage you […]

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