Make Marketing Suck Less

Author Archives: Michelle Mazur

Ditching Social Media: Why Less Social Is Better For Biz with Norma Frahn

  “I’ve been thinking all that time I’m spending over here on social, and I’m not spending really any quality time with the people that voluntarily chose to be in my world by opting into my thing.” Riddle me this, Batman. Why do we spend so much time on marketing that leads nowhere vs. focusing […]

Avoiding the Marketing Time Suck of Doom (for once and for all)

  Marketing feels like a time suck of doom. There’s all this doubt. >>>Is it really working? >>>Am I getting it right? Whatever right means. And then despite spending so much time on your marketing, you’re just not seeing the results you want to see. And then there’s the beating yourself up of feeling like […]

Make Marketing….Fun?!?: B2B Consultant Edition with Camille Rapacz

  “I went down a whole path that was completely not right for my business, and it was very frustrating, and I wasted a lot of time doing a lot of stuff that wasn’t really helpful.” You know what really sucks about marketing? When you’re told to market in a certain way that works for […]

Why Short Form Content Sucks for Experts with Jessica Lackey

  “I want to make sure that if someone happens to find me when I’m not posting content, that they have a way to hear about me, learn about me – without me having to pump out content to the feed.” Nothing makes me want to dive head-first into a vat of lava like the […]

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