Make Marketing Suck Less

Author Archives: Michelle Mazur

How Messaging Wins When Life Sucks with Nicole Trick-Steinbach

  “I know that I’m extraordinary at what I do. And because I have messaging, because I have my packages, because I have my pricing, I can keep moving forward in confidence in one area of my life”. There comes a time when the shit hits the fan in your life and you just can’t […]

3 Tell Tale Signs the 3 Word Rebellion is Right For Your Business

  Anytime you decide to work on your marketing message, it’s going to require you to dig deep and do some thought work around your business, who you want to serve and what you want to be known for. If you’re like most people, by the time you find this podcast, you’ve already tried another […]

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Create your one-of-a-kind message that is the ultimate hook and the message you want to be known for!

The 3 Word Rebellion is the key to go from business owner to thought leader.

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