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Category Archives: Public Speaking

How to Rebel Against the Status Quo During Your Next Presentation

“Are you ready to rebel against the status quo?” Every time I’m introduced as a speaker those are last words before I go on stage. My audience typically nods yes to this question because they are craving something a little different, but sometimes I scare my audience a bit. You see, the status quo is […]

3 Steps to FIX the Relationship with your Audience

You’re ready to nail your presentation. You’ve prepped. You’ve practiced. Your presentation is remarkable. The big day has arrived. You’re standing in front of a sea of expectant faces and it’s not going well. You’re seeing scrunched up faces flabbergasted by your every word. Some have checked out all together and are checking into their […]

Avoid this One Mistake and Take Your Presentation from Hot Mess to Remarkable Success

Extra,  extra,  read all about it: high school students call B.S. on motivational speaker. Kash Shaikh gave a speech to Austin high-school students (33% of which are economically disadvantaged) about following your passion without having a plan-B. And boy did those students called bull-shit on Kash and his message. Kash, who is swimming in cash, […]

Why You're REALLY Not Landing Speaking Gigs

Once a week at Communication Rebel Headquarters, we get an email that goes a little like this: “Dear Michelle: Love your blog. I’m not looking for a speaker coach, but I need help landing speaking gigs. Can you help promote me as a speaker? You can check out my speaking here: (not a real url) […]