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Category Archives: Relationship Building

What relational message are you sending your team?

Want to improve the relationship you have with you team? Fast Company suggested several ways to improve your organization’s culture. The ideas are not ground breaking – flexible schedules, celebrating going home early, recognizing achievements, rules for the 95% not the 5%. However, these ideas do require that an organization have a good relationship with […]

So this is the New Year and Do You Want to Feel Different?

“So this is the New Year and I don’t feel any different” sings Death Cab for Cutie. The New Year gives us the opportunity to reassess and to make the choice to feel different. I’ve never been one for making resolutions, but I do believe in setting goals. Although I’ve always been lousy at writing […]

What's Uggs Got to Do with It?

Christmas morning, my inner 8 year old child is out in full force. Tearing open gifts. I stopped dead in my tracks when I opened this gift from my boyfriend. Uggs. My boyfriend has always been “ugh” about my love of Uggs. I was shocked. “Honey, you hate Uggs. Why did you give me a […]

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