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Category Archives: Craft Your Signature Talk

Move Over BIG IDEA. The 3 Word Rebellion is Here

William Faulkner once said about writing that you have to “kill your darlings.” Stephen King took it one step further in his book on writing and said, “Kill your darlings. Kill your darlings. Even when it breaks, your egocentric little scribbler’s heart, kill your darlings.” As business owners, speakers, and changemakers, we get very attached […]

You Don’t Have to Sell from the Stage. Get a Speech that Converts Instead

I’m sure you’ve been there. You’re watching a speaker, taking notes, you’re enjoying it, having an “Aha,” moment or two, and then wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am, the sales pitch comes. And it feels awkward. You feel awkward, like you should buy even though you just met this person, and they want you to spend $1,295 for their latest […]

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