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Tag Archives: Presentation

3 Proven Strategies for Presentations that Connect

I wondered what happened to his personality? This normally vivacious, energetic man traipsed on-the-stage and when he began his presentation, the most boring NPR host in the world possessed his body. His normal va-va-voom was va-va-gone. He wasn’t being himself on the stage. Speakers have a strange notion of what is means to be a […]

The Secret to Improving Your Speaking

Psst! I have the secret key to improving your public speaking. Want to know what it is? It’s shocking. I mean mind-blowing in its stunningness. Here it is: Getting feedback You might think “I already know that, Michelle.” True, but are you acting on it? Are you getting evaluations every time you speak? I’ve had […]

8 Steps to Practicing A Presentation

A speaker who was preparing for a big presentation shocked me when she said “Practicing my presentation scares me more then presenting!” I could hardly believe my ears. I asked her why, and she told me “Everyone tells me that I need to practice, but I just don’t know what that looks like.” Indeed countless […]

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